New Discord Mobile Search shows results from blocked/closed chats
On the new Discord mobile UI, when you search your DMs it will return results from old chats with people that you have since blocked. I was very unpleasantly surprised by this when I saw conversations coming up from exes and such even though it was years ago and I blocked them. Same for the new “Media” and “Pins” tabs - those displayed some old pictures that I really, really didn't need to see again. As it is now, I am afraid to use Discord mobile's new search and there is no easy way to mass delete those old messages, so I can't get rid of these results.
If you have blocked a person, then those chats should not show up again in the new search interface. Even better if Discord finally implements a mass delete feature. Thanks.
Bumping to say that this is still a huge problem and I have reverted Discord back to an older version of the app specifically to avoid it.
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