Dear Sirs,
1. It is very hard to contact you. No contact link in your main page. After creating account, and once logged in, the contact trial does not work and requires a new password when such password does exist in the account. And otherwise redirects to other site like zendesk. Really FRUSTRATING!!!
2. It is impossible to login your web site when using VPN (page not found shows in Safari on macOS 13 Ventura on Intel Mac), which is essential for security reasons, mainly when traveling.
It would be great if you could fix all that.
This is frustrating. What is @discord or @discord_support? How to contact using such way? More:
3. I want to have what I write and what you write in MY eMail mailbox, not just in this web site which may not be available in the future. Yet, messages posted here are not received in my eMail.
4. Each time that I try to login this site, I can not. Instead, I receive an eMail with a link. Frustrating!!!
5. I have logged in
and yet could not access this message thread there. Why? And then when clicling the link that you sent me to access this thread, I was requested to enter again my eMail and password. Really frustrating.
I will use this site as less as I can. You may be losing millions of users.
I will appreciate if you could redirect this feedback to the board xof directors for consideration.
Thank you!
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If you have a question you want to ask Discord, you can attempt to make a request or try contact their X account @discord or @discord_support
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