Banned accounts should've the links unrendered from their messages
Often I'd ban an account and not delete the person's messages; rather explain why they were banned, so that people realize that a certain malicious link posted by that account is bad or harmful and not try to visit it.
Just a few moments ago, someone tried impersonating my services with their site that was created a few weeks ago and claimed it was created by me in our community Discord. Of course I banned them, and I explained why they were literally posting spyware. But I don't delete the links so that my community realize that too, in case they spammed their DMs. So you could imagine, it'd be VERY helpful to have their links unclickable.
It won't cost Discord anything, literally. It's just a few simple lines of javascript in Discord Client's markdown renderer to not parse links from accounts that has the flag, say `banned`. Yet it'd greatly enhance the safety of Discord servers, cause banned accounts as you might know, are very often bad. So why have their links still working?
Some other reasons for keeping these messages is to act as evidence, in case it is a serious/legal matter. So sometimes even harmful links need to be kept, but this is why being unclickable would help a lot.
Very important implementation detail: Being “not in the server” and “banned” should be differentiated. People who leave the server should've their links still working, but people banned from the server, means they're “black-listed” and only then they shouldn't have their links rendered.
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