[Suggestion] Position in queue


1 comment

  • JAck

    Having feedback from any error is mentally easing for everyone.
    Look at having a train or plane or delivery or some sort delayed, if they all just say “DELAYED” and have no arrival time or something, that could mean ANYTHING, considering delays can be from 2min to 74hours and beyond, and you say have a schedule, you've planned for wiggle room, but not MONTHS of wiggle room. 
    Knowing “This is how long we expect to you to get back on track” and “this is why it was delayed” is very important for people not to rush and try to fix it ASAP. Because the longer you leave something the less likely it'll get fixed/replaced/understood

    Even just a rough estimation is better than a loading ring.

    When building computer and the mouse was introduced, they couldnt figure out when they were getting such a influx of people requesting repairs for stuff not having a problem, the loading was just slow, they added the mouse timer symbol, to indicate something was happening, but STILL got people sending in their computers unable to get things loading. Apparently they weren't waiting long enough for stuff to load, but like anything that takes time, if you sit there watching it, it goes SLOWER, and that was making people frustrated, they then eventually added “loading bars” and “time till completion” estimates for everything being installed or loading in some way.
    Suddenly all the requests for false repairs stopped, people were being patient because they knew the amount of time it was going to take and could do other stuff, or how close to done it was.

    The same repeating problem happens with almost EVERY piece of software or hardware or thing that takes time.
    Without feedback its assumes its not happening or going to take forever by every human whos never experienced the problem before. 

    So a timer/current/position would be helpful and reduce upset users, and likely reduce the amount of tickets being over complex to solve or even the amount of duplicate ticket requests. 


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