Hacked Account - My Journey



  • Souriya

    Congrats brother! I just got mine recovered as well when I created a follow up on one of my previous closed tickets. Let's gooooo

  • RJRacoon

    Yoo thats amazing Souriya!! Big congrats on getting your account Back as well!

  • Souriya

    I'm in the same boat as you, my friend. Will update if I ever get a real response or assistance. I sent in proof of my verification email for Discord from way back in 2015. Proof of ownership of the email, card used for Nitro over the years, proof of culprit trying to scam my friends and still they hit me with the  “Beyond our original support regarding this issue, we're unable to provide additional information or support via this channel.” or telling me to try to login via QR or resetting my password and “Unfortunately, if none of these suggestions work, you’ll have to make a new Discord account." 

    Truly insane. I can understand if they are understaffed and maybe it'll take a while to assist people but don't just auto-solve tickets with copy paste/bot responses. 

    Edit: The only time I see activity changed on a solved ticket is when their system asks for feedback on the support I received. 

  • Solid Snake

    Yeah about that.. I do not wish to diminish your spirit but I have a real life person actually take the time to close my ticket.. I fell victim to the scam and sent proof. But now, support is now going ahead to just closing the ticket with human support. 

  • Aurasona2

    For some reason they kept closing my tickets then like a month later tbe last activity time changed haha 

  • Aurasona2

    I wish you luck RJ! 

  • BatHunter🦇🎧

    Ah… you as well.

    Yes, I am in a similar situation to you as well. I'm afraid the same thing happened to me in April–I fell for the same scam you did.
    I've made 10 tickets since then, and all but two of them have been closed.

    I even made a video about the whole affair here:

    What annoys me is that hardly anybody seems to know anything about this. I don't know how Discord can treat people this way, even more confusing is why nobody appears to be saying ANYTHING about this.

    I wish I could give advice but… I've basically already accepted that my account is all gone, and all the information, memories, and photos with it.

  • Souriya

    Finally got a human response and it was this. Truly insane. I need to know the email that is currently on my account that was hacked and stolen from me?…What?..

    Thank you for writing in. In order for us to proceed, please confirm that you have received this message by directly replying to this message with the email address that is currently associated with the account in question.
    Additionally, could you share more information on how you believe your account was compromised?
    Discord Trust & Safety"

  • RJRacoon

    Saw your video BatHunter,  yeah your situation is exactly like mine, minus the money loss for me. Its a good video, mind share if I share the link over my own YT Channels community tab? Word needs to get around. I still hope that we all get our account back or at least deleted. 

    And Souriya, happy that you got a human response at least! Everything is better than the bot automated responses. Wishing you the best of luck that it gets resolved mate!

  • Souriya

    Update: After my human response, I waited for another update but was then given a bot response as well as ticket solved. It was the try to use a QR code to login or try to reset my password, which clearly I cannot do.

    I will try other methods as well to see if I can get some actual help and will update here.

  • Souriya

    Hopefully all those reopened tickets means some sort of actual human intervention and resolution

  • dh200

    March to June?

    I’m scared, what if mine ended up like yours-

  • Rodrigo3400

    A pity I made no screenshots at its due time 😭

  • RJRacoon

    Screenshots may help, but ultimatly the most important factor is to get a human being to look into your request, and not just the bots

  • Kennylu501

    Hey Souriya, I'm in the same boat as you were 2 months ago and i'm just looking to ask what you did to finally get a response

  • Souriya

    I just created a follow up on one of my old tickets and said that my issue is still not resolved and that I still needed my account recovered. 

    The old ticket had had all my supporting screenshots and explanation of the issue, responses from Discord saying they are escalating the issue and another message telling me to login using my QR code or reset my password. If that doesn't work, they can't help. Seeing that can be demoralizing but I think as long as you get a message stating the issue has been escalated, it will eventually be looked in to.

    If a ticket gets closed, just resubmit with all your supporting info. Don't submit multiple tickets or you'll eventually get marked as a spammer and they'll likely avoid your tickets (From what I heard). When you get the option to follow up on a ticket, do just that. Good luck and keep us updated on your account recovery!


  • Aurasona2

    Have you by chance noticed any acitivity on a ticket after its already closed?? Like the last acitivity part 

  • RJRacoon

    Not really, all that changed was the time of “last activity” in the ticket itself. But apart from that nothing happened. I also got some email requests to rate the help I recieved, which I also did. This also updated the activity time on the ticket

  • RJRacoon

    Yeah I assume the same, someone in support is just seeing the name and immediatly close it. Also as Aura said at times they still seem to look into it because of last activity change. 
    If they would at least give one a proper reason why they wont help you, but nope, ticket just gets closed. Some tickets get closed with the “we are unable to provide further help” mail, some just get closed without any notification

  • Aurasona2

    Souriya that's interesting, mine Always updates 20 days after being marked Solved it never changes after that

  • RJRacoon

    Thanks Aura! Wishing the very same to you and the others here. 
    Yeah Souriya, thats the biggest slap in our face, that we even have proof of all of that, it being accounts almost 10 years old, paying nitro and all, and yet they dont even tell you why they dont help. 
    I would be less dissatisfied it it werent the same auto generated messages but a human being who'd reach out to me and tell me why they cant help me, or you. 
    I guess the only real solution is to be as uncomfortable as possible, opening ticket after ticket. 

  • Solid Snake

    Bathunter, is there a way for me to contact you? Perhaps a new alt or discord?  I actually have some more additional information to add to..

  • BatHunter🦇🎧

    Hi SolidSnake,

    Currently (Though I hate using it now) I have ONE alternate Discord account - sadchiaki (the Current Username is EXAMS RN - DND) and it has a picture of wheeler from Captain Planet shrugging dumbfoundedly. Alternatively, there is my Twitter -@ARedgraveVA. We can talk on either of those, though I am kinda busy with exams stress at the moment so I can't guarantee that I will respond immediately.

  • RJRacoon

    yeah, 2 of them got closed again but one of them is yet open. Its weird. Did you had any luck or progress so far Souriya? 

  • Souriya

    Majority of my tickets get hit with the message of trying to login with QR code or reset my password. If that doesn't work, I have to make a new account. The other tickets simply get marked solved with no response. I'm starting to wonder if people have actually successfully gotten their accounts back. If it's a matter of showing them proof of you being the original owner and having them change the account's email back to the original then I don't see why that's such a big issue.

    I don't recall if you mentioned it but did you also have your phone number and Authenticator active on your account? I even showed them proof of my ownership of my phone number and the Authenticator I had active but that didn't seem to matter.

  • RJRacoon

    Yeah I wonder about that too, I mean its the same for me, opening tickets, getting that same response or tickets just getting closed without any notification. It really sucks. 
    Nah my account didnt had 2FA at all. But yeah it doesnt seem to matter anyways since noone looks at our tickets  

  • RJRacoon

    Yeah for me it was pretty much march to june, but to also spread some optimism, there has been cases where the matter got resolved within hours or even days


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