Being able to ring people in a server just like a normal call
I was thinking about voice channels and DM calls and realized that there should be an option to be able to ring a person on a server voice channel. Of course it would have to be an allowed permission by server admin for a user to be able to have such power to ring anyone in a server.
When gaming and you want to invite your friend to a voice call on a server you would either have to @ them, or text them or ring them on another platform. Ringing a person would act the same way as DMs or a group chat. Right click and then hit ring when you are in the call in a server voice chat. Like the image below but for server voice calls too. A simple and effective for letting your friend know that they should join the call. Just a simple thing that anyone should be able to have access to. not a nitro perk please. It would be a great feature for everyone.
Thank you for considering this request.

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