The current block feature is not helpful.
I've seen it countless times on servers, where 1 person blocks another because they don't get along for some reason, but because the blocked person still sees the person who blocked them's messages they cannot let it go, and constantly try to reply to their messages to get their attention, knowing the blocked person *can* open up the messages if they choose. They feel insulted at having been blocked and flip out, and take over an entire server in needless drama and it has a toxic and chilling effect on the entire server. The blocked person won't mutually block because they dislike seeing the ability to open blocked messages.
If you block someone, get rid of the ability to open up the messages, and make it so the blocked person can't see the person who blocked them's messages. Just blocking the other person should make them mutually disappear to each other.
I get you think the ability to open up messages fosters some sort of community where people can forgive each other apologize and be friends again but what I see is anything but that, I see drama, I see the blocked person desperately trying to get messages to the person blocking them (not to apologize mind you but to insult them), I've even seen death threats…. over block.
Block should be low level conflict resolution, where if 2 people don't get along they can just mutually disappear to each other and not deal with each other.
discord isnt a good program. they also dont understand what “mute” means, and muted DMs can still ping you if they do a reply, which there's no setting to suppress @s like on servers.
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The “show messages” I don't really care, however the “N messages blocked” has to be there for everyone's sanity, you can't have a proper conversation if other people see everyone talking while you see fewer people talking, it can only lead to problems and misunderstandings.
I just wish blocked messages didn't mark the channel as unread (and the tray icon has a red dot), why am I being notified of blocked people's messages?! Please fix.
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