Gotta fix the moderation
**Dear Discord Feedback Team,**
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to address a recent ban on my Discord account (username: [sanymaaa_]) and to provide feedback on the moderation process.
**Appeal for Account Ban:**
My account was banned due to my involvement in a server that was found in violation of Discord's guidelines. However, I did not actively participate in the server’s activities and did not complete its verification process, indicating I was not an active member. I believe this ban was issued unfairly and respectfully request a review of my case. I have always endeavored to follow Discord's rules and maintain a positive presence in the community.
**Suggestions for Moderation Improvement:**
1. **Clearer Communication:** The suspension notice I received contained conflicting information about the duration and permanence of my ban. Clear and concise communication regarding the nature and reasons for bans would help users understand the situation better.
2. **Contextual Review:** Automated systems may sometimes misinterpret a user's involvement in a server. A more thorough review process that considers the user's activity and participation level in the violating server could prevent unjust bans.
3. **Appeal Process Transparency:** Providing detailed guidelines on the appeal process and expected timelines for reviews can help users know what to expect and how to effectively present their case.
Thank you for considering my appeal and feedback. I am eager to resolve this issue and continue being a positive member of the Discord community. Please let me know if any additional information or clarification is needed.
They won't even read this, congratulations. Although, I dare say, they can be sued.
There’s probably no point in contacting technical support either, they don’t do this, but if they returned Trust and Safety, they would help us (click on the link)
Они даже не станут это читать, поздравляю. Хотя, осмелюсь предположить, на них можно подать в суд. Обращаться в техподдержку, наверное, тоже нет смысла, они этого не делают, но если бы они вернули Trust and Safety, то помогли бы нам (нажмите на ссылку, и проголосуйте, точно так же можно написать комментарий об этой ситуации).Я-предлагаю-вернуть-Trust-and-Safety-в-запросы-на-сайте-support-discord-com
By the way, in the comments there, you will find a link to the petition, please help spread it! And write a comment about your problem there.0
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