Make "Activity Information" and "Past Activity" Toggleable



  • SirLeto

    I completely agree, I just can't fathom that it wasn't brought up in designing an implementing this feature.

  • Hallan

    Huge agree. I appreciate being able to broadcast “hey I'm in X game right now”, but I do NOT want people to know exactly how many times I've played X game over the past month, or that I've also played Y and Z game. Just feels super weird.

  • Jarrad

    I use my activity as a way to broadcast to my friends what I'm currently playing in case they too are interested. I don't feel comfortable at all sharing this level of information.

  • iNgeon

    Being able to see who's actively playing a game helps users link up with friends to play/join. Users already switch this off for privacy and peace of mind but some leave it on for its potential. This is just going to cause more users to just out right disable detected activities.
    Adding "Activity Information" and "Past Activity" Toggleable might alleviate this going forward
    Option to toggle/disable Disable “Activity Status (Recent Activity)”

  • Psofomar

    I also agree with this. I like displaying what game I'm currently playing but do not lump this new activity history in as one big setting…

    Either make it a separate setting or remove it entirely.

  • Telokis

    I agree this is way too invasive, I don't like this feature. I want to show what I'm doing, not the full detailed log of what I've recently done.


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