Caching Sharescreen settings + 1 new setting
Hi, I would like to ask if it is possible to implement the feature of caching the settings set when sharing a screen for the settings :
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I quite often share screen with some friends and I'm starting to really get annoyed that every single times I have to disable those when it could simply be cached and I think that it could be very nice to have this small modification made when its also really simple to implement!
I also realized the other day that there is currently no option to permanently display who's who when there are multiple streams at the time. I can hover my mouse over the screens to see the name of the person streaming, but when there are multiple it is hard sometimes to figure out who I am currently watching and I would like to propose to add a new settings under those 2 that it would toggle the stream names displayed to be visible all the time or only on hover.
Thanks! :)
The cached settings is a no brainer, and toggling always showing names would be a really nice QoL thing, since i normally pop out the call to my other monitor and don’t wanna tab out of a game just to see who’s stream I’m watching.
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