

  • broxen

    Yeah, can't upvote this enough. The Game Store is neat, and the Nitro free library is nice and all, but I'll literally never use either because I can't play any Linux titles. On top of that, with Steam's new Proton support, there's not a huge incentive for me to make any purchase on another platform.

  • Petete#1398

    Steam, GOG and the Humble Bundle all support Linux in varying degrees. I won't even consider anything without Linux support.

  • ShayBox

    The store has been a disappointment, and does nothing better than steam, if you want a successful store you have to do things better than what already exists, and one of the most basic things is supporting other platforms, some of the games on the store even have mac and linux versions but not on the store. Valve has even made it easy, proton is usable by other launchers. Sure the cuts are low for devs but all that's gonna do is get you games, not people to buy them.

  • jvyden

    With the recent revenue split, you guys should really take advantage of the lowest cut and support as many platforms as you can, like Mac or Linux.

  • VonPanda

    You have some games in the store that already work on Linux anyways: Super Meat Boy and FTL at least in the Nitro section

  • Lunar_Penguin

    Until this happens, there is nothing to attract me to Discord's store away from the other two stores I use (Steam in particular, now that Proton/Steam Play is built into the client itself).  The Discord client already runs natively under Linux, and you have quite a few games on the store that already have native Linux versions.  Why not provide downloads for them?

  • upsetsetup

    Just switched to Linux, thought I could donate a bit to you with buying games through your new store, but like that I'll stick with steam, gog and so on...


    This explanation sounds a lot better!

  • robbieka

    Without linux games it is only for the mainstream

  • WORM

    Why is it not planned??? Even if Linux support was added a la Proton, that'd be something. I'm always exited to see someone try to take on Steam, but admitting that there are no plans for Linux support simply makes Discord not an option for me when it comes to purchasing games. Hopefully this suggestion thread will turn things around.

  • eugene.raynor

    Интересует, присутствуют ли годные игры под Линукс в магазине? Если да, то хотелось бы их видеть в отдельной категории. Опингвинился уже два года как и обратно возвращаться на Винду нет ни малейшего желания. В Тундру играл: производительность понравилась, но жанр не мой. В остальном Тундра чёткая с точки зрения реализации. Дискорд, к слову, не имеет аналогов в обозримом пространстве в плане удобства и применимости (поддержка распространённых платформ).

  • ZTH | 𝔗𝔲𝔯𝔨𝔢𝔶

    This needs to happen

  • V1viien

    Yes! It would be a big mistake to not support Linux after Windows 7 die.

  • boof

    please are if my client ste to be due to nitros overlay let me get the sweet stuff.

  • robbieka

    I think I am done with Discord for linux. I feel no support or care for users like me. The store was never a good idea.I allready have alle the games for linux. A linux user is critecal about closed source systems and want to be free to choose what ever thay want. Discard was a super gooed application until the store was buildin. When I am using Discord to speak to my fellow games it crashes more than 5 times in one evening whitout an error code. I just crashes as the one application that crashing on my linx mint sytem. Again, I feel not been helpt seriously. I feel Discord doeessend care for users like me. The free application is no longer free. I have to acept that it is allready a store with a buggy chat functionality.

    So, goodby Discord, maybe untill some other day in some future!

    Regards , Rob

  • boof

    rob, please dm me un discord boof#1312

    i am pretty good when it comes to Linux snd discord shenanigans. i will help if i can.

  • value of games sounds just awesome. if linux can run it, very interested. hope thats easy enough stuff to do, idk.

  • Hope

    Just a quick Info: It's better to have 2 Pcs or a Dualboot System

  • Alice Carroll

    That's way I don't buy Nitro

  • boof

    Dualbooting are always considered the last restort as solution in my book of rules. Well with that i mean setups that share bootloader/drives.

    One way to do it kinda secure is having two drives that you can switch between, SATA are hot-plug friendly no matter what the manual says, built into the interface.  so you can even have a hotswappable system if it supports AHCI or raid. And thats not because of the risk of damage. Thats because it dont know how to mount the drive otherwise.  Used to have a HP proliant workstation with real drive-bays i did this on. Had 3 drives with different distros so i could easily change from debian to arch and a server install on third with slack. but that the hardcore way just get 2 cheap 250gb drives one windows one GNU/linux and you are done

  • robbieka

    Thuis is no option for people that dont want to use Windows. I accept that i cannot play games on discord . Google stadia can! So discord as chat application is fine for me. The game part Will not en an succes. Thats no problem for me.

  • boof

    Well forgot that part but that's what's my point all along. This kind of technical knowledge or tinkering should not be needed on a voip application for gamers. I don't appreciate half done projects at all. if you going to support a platform well that involves offering the same features as the flagship platform has or you better of not making it public at all.  This is a major feature missing out aswell not some small detail or so.

    and of experience and knowledge of what's actully used to make discord work I know for a fact that this is mainly a problem created and sadly as it seems kept alive by the ones that owns discord or ateast decides what the devs should put focus on. Node.js and electron are both fully adopted in the Linux ecosystem one of them even arose in it. A really good example is the lack of spellchecker for Linux. All the dependencies are already there and the code is already done. it's just as simple to enable it. Yet still no spellchecker to be seen. Tbh is that how you would run your company or application? no wonder better discord and other tools like it exists and keep growing even if they ate against the tos.




  • dasrow

    I want him to come to Linux.

  • leonny02

     Por favor vamos acabar com os 27 anos de escravidão digital criado pela MS, por favor se atentem a isso vocês utilizam Linux na maioria de seus servidores como base, e para resolver a questão financeira entendam é só vender que o povo irá comprar, porque não precisamos pagar por licenças "MS" foquem nisso e entendam que tem games que com um clique isso é possível, o recurso  não é novo games tais como dota2, e Heroes of Newerth já existe a anos. não nos deixem de lado por favor acredite é só que estão de tempo.


  • monstoor

    The percentages of Linux users will only increase with equal support for all platforms. The spell checker is an easy fix and a good start, followed by Store support. Come on devs!

  • アン

    Don't like Discord fonts in windows. Japanese is just has a Chinese fonts until you switch to Japanese language. Fonts looks ugly so can't read characters

  • versusUall

    It's really bad that there is no support for this. It makes Discord just a basic chat platform similar to what many other programmes provide.

    It shouldn't be just becoming planned, it should be implemented. This would allow a growing Linux-community to get the most out of Discord.

  • Sekwah

    Tbh given what happened to the store. In the end, I kinda forgot it even exists. I doubt they have much priority to even improve it on windows let alone bring it to Linux. Given that point, I highly doubt it would have much of an impact on the Linux gaming community. Especially seeing as approval for apps to be added on what remains of the store it just seems to further strengthen my point of that the store is basically dead.

    Someone feel free to correct me...


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