Server Organisation/Server Folders




  • TelFiRE

    What do you mean "categories within each of the servers"? Servers have their own category and channel organization. This suggestion is for organizing all the servers you are in. Are you saying you want sub-categories inside the categories that server owners create? If so, yeah, that has nothing to do with this suggestion and is way way less needed.

  • The Computer Guy

    What the suggestion is trying to say is that Discord should have folders or a collection of servers instead of it's list which it currently has, not sub categories in server but categorizing the user's joined servers.

  • KamikazeCoPilot

    @TelFiRE, did you read the linked post that I offered?  I am speaking about the categories within each individual server.  Example would be:

    Server -> Category 1 -> Category 2 -> Category 3

                         |                                              |

                        \/                                             \/

                   Cat 1 Sub 1                         Cat 3 Sub 1

    The reason I bring this up is because this thread is linked as an "Official Response" by "D" and that thread was closed.  That's two threads closed by the admin team leading to another thread so far with no true response by @Discord.

    What is needed is relative, by the way.

  • KamikazeCoPilot

    I see that I did not state that this thread was linked as an official response by the dev team in the thread that I am coming from.  The official response to the Category/Sub-Category thread was to bring us here in the name of keeping things tidy rather than saying something like "we hear you" or "Undestand what you're asking, we just can't help with that right now" or even acknowledging the request at all. 

    Instead, the dev team has locked two threads regarding this request forwarding those of us looking for this kind of functionality to another thread without any feedback to the community.  This is frustrating.

  • TelFiRE

    Yeah, I can see how that would be frustrating. I definitely think the feature you're talking about has nothing to do with this topic. Honestly, both are features that should've been there day 1. No way to organize your own things is such bad design. We've learned how to do better than this, as a species.

  • KamikazeCoPilot

    I agree.  I just want a "We heard you, we're not going to do anything about it" if that's what they're going to do.  I can appreciate it if they don't want to do anything about it, but they tell us so.

  • MagDown

    If Discord eventually use any of your concepts, I really hope they choose either folders or collections, though preferably folders. I could also accept stackable groups, but only if folders and collections are out of the question. Also, the quick search should be added in addition to either of the three I just mentioned.

  • _Jordo

    Badly needed and it shouldn't be too hard. Should exist by now. Sick of having to use that little sidebar. It always makes me feel like I need to remove servers I am not very active in due to the clutter.

  • EmberQuill

    Any kind of categorization would be good. Almost every YouTube channel, Twitch streamer, Patreon creator, indie game developer, and gaming clan has their own Discord now. I'd love just having folders, but even collapsible named groups would be fine with me. Anything to help manage the clutter. Scrolling through 50+ servers to find the right one is a nightmare.

    Even my VPS hosting provider has a Discord server.

  • Morfraen

    People have been asking for this for years, please add collections / folders already so I can organize my giant list of servers.

  • ShootMePlease

    That moment when you hit the 100 discord limit, and have to find a discord channels that you don't need anymore :(
    6 active rust clan discord, 10+ rust server discords 5/8 friends discords, shit starts adding up after a while.. Taking this discord team so ******* long to implement this suggestion/idea. Almost makes me wish there was another alternative. 

  • LocalHyena

    Discord pls.

  • It's been 7 months now, and we are definitely in need of this! When are things looking likt they will happen?

  • altered

    Then "categories for servers", not for channels.

  • Atomic

    Better discord has this, but this would be great for normal users ;)

  • Lixy98

    Atomic that can get your account terminated.

  • ShootMePlease

    Really Lixy, guess I better stop the download then :(

  • Atomic

    Yes, thats why i dont use it, and thats why i want this feature to be added!

  • Zylvian

    Whoops typo

  • Illogical Clown

    I'm glad to know that I am not alone when it comes to this.  Certainly upvoting this, and sharing it to all my friend's so that they can do the same.  


  • PumpkinPatchGaming

    I'd LOVE to be able to have custom server folders. Favourites, organised by centric game, community type...

  • Gnasp

    Is there any news on this? I really want to be able to organise the servers I'm on. At the moment I'm considering a cull, and leaving a bunch of servers. 

    While you're at it, allow me to "mute" a folder, so that I can put servers I don't follow closely in it. 

  • lengo
    This would be nice although it may look a little weird. Maybe have it be a toggleable feature.
  • sawayoshi

    This is an issue that seems like it could be more easily solved with server folders. (Just an opinion, but I think it's a widely shared one.) Do you think you could give an example of this working? I just can't see this being a great idea atm. Sorry.

  • Veil
    This is an issue that seems like it could be more easily solved with server folders.(Just
    an opinion, but I think it's a widely shared one.) Do you think you could give an example
    of this working? I just can't see this being a great idea atm. Sorry.

    Why are they mutually exclusive? Leaving the customization options to the user allows them to have one row, two, ect. Inside of any of those rows could be folders. The programming that goes into something like this is relatively light so they could both be accomplished in conjunction. I don't see any downside to either feature as it is customizable.

    Why don't you see it being a good idea?

  • sawayoshi

    You brought up a good point that I didn't think of, that they don't have to be mutually exclusive lol. You got me there. If you can choose between the two or use them in conjunction, it doesn't seem so bad an idea. It wasn't a bad idea to begin with, just I saw folders as being a "better solution".

    Upvoted. Hopefully this gets more attention!

  • JewelZaid1998

    Someone should tweet the thread to Discord lol

  • Nox Raijin

    Folders and Dividers would be nice. We really need to get this completed so we can move on with our lives. It is one of the most requested features for this app and has been for over a year. (Yes I am including the merger over 7 months ago that happened)

  • Techie

    Please add this already. I'm pretty disappointed that it hasn't been released yet. Hopefully next update 🙏


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