It would be good if mods could see users with "invisible" status

Not planned



  • Madi

    This defeats the purpose of being "invisible." 

  • LinkAylomen

    I disagree, the purpose of being invisible is defeated by this idea and renders it useless.

  • ToS

    I disagree, as LinkAylomen and Elavic said there is no purpose of doing this. !!!PRIVACY!!!

  • TechnicallyCoded

    Seeing invisibles.. no.
    How about choosing which servers to appear online for (especially since we have server groups, that would let me set myself offline for all except my top 5 servers) ... or... having two levels of invisibility:

    invisible to members
    invisible to all

    that would allow staff to "vanish" but fellow staff can still see them as online. Using this in conjunction with the previous idea. I could choose to appear online to staff only on a specific server.

  • S4R1N

    I disagree completely, the point if "invisible" is for personal privacy, having some random person being able to see that without your knowledge defeats the purpose and puts people at risk.

  • Teddie

    The entire point of invisible is you don't want to talk to people or for them to know you are online.  Stupid idea sorry if you meant this differently. 

  • sad clarke

    I disagree completely, the point if "invisible" is for personal privacy, having some random person being able to see that without your knowledge defeats the purpose and puts people at risk.

  • Evaisa

    I disagree completely, the point if "invisible" is for personal privacy, having some random person being able to see that without your knowledge defeats the purpose and puts people at risk.

  • charitwo
    this is quite an invasion of privacy and with no context there is no reason to justify this
  • patch

    this is a hard disagree from me as that destroys a bit of privacy.

  • Cappy

    I disagree completely, the point if "invisible" is for personal privacy, having some random person being able to see that without your knowledge defeats the purpose and puts people at risk.


    WTF Completed???

  • Underscore

    Good idea


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