Discord Overlay in FiveM
AnsweredGood evening! I am a role-player on GTA V modded RP servers. We use FiveM client for our modded servers. About a week, maybe 2 ago, I noticed that I could no longer use the Discord overlay in GTA V. This results in me having to Alt/Tab out of my game in order to switch channels in Discord. Is there a way that a patch could be made to be able to do this again? I have changed around my keybindings as well, in addition to deleting Discord and re-installing. Nothing seems to work, but upon talking to others in the server, it is a Discord/FiveM issue and nothing to have to do with the server itself. Please help!
Official comment
If you have a general question about Discord or you feel you need support help, please contact our support team via https://dis.gd/contact or tweet us @discordapp. This website is specifically for new feature suggestions to add to Discord. As such, I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.
I have the same problem, I would very much like this to get resolved, can't seem to find the issue, since it worked before.
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