Search & user ID



  • th35leeper

    RV,  this is off topic here.

    But for your problem I suggest that your friend has to accept your friend request, and they have their settings so that they will only accept PMs from friends. So sorry, you probably can't do anything, it's up to your friend. But if you post in a more appropriate thread you might find a better answer. ;p


    BTW I would still love it if the discord app search function had the ability to use the "from:" tool with user ID.

    Okay, thanks, bump?

  • blackwolfwoof

    *i still support this suggestion*
    But i found a great webside that shows you the name, creation date, username and tag of the user if you just have the id.

  • Zonker

    I have a friend who is 36 and won't move from Skype. This is part of that reason. Finding a user is fairly difficult. The search field seems to be for friends I already have and another friend on Discord can't find who I see on my screen. It bothers me when someone asks and they have three dislikes for the comment. If you don't wish to help a flawed system, why are you on a help forum?

  • BalamGuitar

    Where is this function?

  • th35leeper

    Thank you very much for telling me user ID can be used in the search bar, however for me this only shows pings. I would like to use the from: function with user ID. Also idk if this is just the servers I'm in; joins don't show up in the audit log, only invite creation, but I would love it if it did.

  • Miss Kitty

    How do you find a user name with only the ID? I only have my friend's discord number, but not their username. I cant friend them with just the ID.

  • éggšmærćüś

    Could you send a photo of the search bar? I cant find it.


    I cant find my friend even how many times i searched for the username. I hope you put options of the nearest or related to what I have searched.

  • enlego

    I can't find the option


    Hello can I ask?

  • torres019

    Yes sir..

  • Mark Joe

    You can search throughout the username as well as USER ID. When you enter the first letter it shows all the names started with that letter. And for other discord problems, Maybe these Discord Posts can help you to solve all of your discord app & web-based problems.

  • ads

    Does anyone know how to @ mention someone when using the user id {example : 529046672219832344} (mine) and i want to try @ing someone using it because they can't access the channel I want to mention them in.

  • Orangestar

    You can mention someone with their ID using the mention syntax: <@1234567890> where 1234567890 is the user's Discord ID.

  • Patrick p David

    How can I fine people from the age og 40?? Just kids are here

  • Zonker

    Discord is still newer... older people tend to use Skype. Well, it's newer to my mind.

  • coolheghog9112

    dose any one know a preson kaylaewertz if do get her to messges me on this aspa on wearethechamiponsoffeupon#1004 i want her to proof to me that she understareds no metter

  • Bella Dreanna

    Yes, I agree with you, discord's search function working very good. I usually use this function.

  • pineapple

    i need help findng my friends username i have the id add me if you know a way to search someone (on comp) with only id

    im am not  a beta tester btw

                                                              add me at:pineapple#5672

  • Evaelis

    I've been using for a while now, having a captcha is kinda annoying so I made a version you can self-host that return JSON.

    It's available on Github: sayrus/discord-resolver 


    Still, it would be nice to not have to use the Bot API for something like this (or stay consistent and remove this API from bots too, which would be even worse IMO).

    As for the original suggestion, it was implemented as `from:uid` will return the messages made by a user even if he left the guild.

  • Martin_mc

    That's easy, input from:2107348298084701
    the id was keyboard splat but you get the idea

  • sanswithahat123

    find a user name by, JavaScripting#3744

    he has scam me from my roblox acc, i want it back

  • Zero Two

    Beam beam pab

    Parapap paww

  • Hydra

    I have my friends username but not they're ID number how am I supposed to find them?

  • spin~

    I believe this is already possible, although I'm not too sure for non beta users. I am using Discord v8.9.1 (beta) and searching with an ID currently works as you have described

  • ω∞Deity∞ω

    You can add the Dyno bot if you want to have some kind of record on who joined, who left, and all that which isn't normally recorded in Discord.

  • Hime

    You can search ID on the search bar of discord from desktop. When you search up the ID, it'll direct you to all post from that person. But if it doesn't show anything, it just means that the person never posted in it. So it'll show up empty in the search bar when you try to find information on that person. However owners or anyone with access to audit-logs will be able to see all logs of who joined, how they joined (who invited them), and what was changed. They can find the player's userID from there. You can also find it from whether you have a "join-leave" channel and the bot display the username, you can just right-click and copyid to copy their userid. 

  • RV

    Guys i need some help for add my friend i can't send massage to her


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