Write-only channel
Currently there is no way (except bots) to create write-only channel,
it would be much helpful to create such a channel, you could handle support-/suggestion channel much easier without having everyone to read that stuff
Sure it's possible with certain bots but it would be much comfortable if you could add this, just a simple channel where users can't read anything (except maybe pinned message/s)
thanks, bye
Vasp the idea here is that there is a channel where you can send messages but they cannot see the messages that are sent.
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Search for “Application Bot Discord” as quite frankly I can’t be bothered to provide the link.
This bot lets users fill out applications by the bot’s DMs, then post the results in the channel you choose (preferably private) for you to see.
Hope this helps.
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It worked once after a new one connected, he couldn't see the history for the first time.
But for now he can see everything, I'm pretty sure it's just once for new joiners
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Ticket bot should be ideal for this.
Or turn off "Read Message History".
There are also certain bots that do this.
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Update on issue
Send messages>true
Read messages>true (if false you can NOT see channel)
Read message history>false
That is best way to set it up w/out a bot
Unfortunately anyone w/ permissions to channel will be able to see any message posted while they are connected until they fully close discord.
'Application Bot Discord' is a great fix for this. https://top.gg/bot/applicationbot
^^ Help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvjaf9dKGOM&feature=youtu.be - %help (commands)I just created new private Text channel & added Bot role and My role.
- %Channel here (log channel) - https://dashboard.application-bot.com/ (manage)
- Put in a Question or they can't type anything. Do not re-open the save without re-typing or your Q. will disappear.
- %apply will open a DM for them. I did NOT get Premium for this to work.Thank you to everyone who commented here and gave the information needed to make this happen!
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There is a way to do it. I had this "Write-Only" thing several times on a clan server for WoWs and we actually used it for a "complain-channel". Unfortunately, it seems to be like a weird bug, which I was not able to replicate after we had to change discord servers due to an internal conflict.
I ended up suggesting my Admins to use a bot rather than trying to somehow replicate the bug and having it get fixed by Discord a few weeks later, which might happen since it does not seem to actually be a real feature, but something that appeared randomly here and there as a result of a really messed up role system...
Sry guys, I would have liked to help but it just doesn't seem worth the struggle compared to implementing a bot
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Yeah exactly..
I thought it's the purpose to create such channels with these two permissions.
Thanks for your comments.
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It doesn't work for me
I'm trying with send messages + can't read message history
It doesn't work at all for me
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"How would Discord know what message from you to show to which user that is in the channel?"
Well you could create a pinned message with some information you need from that person, they would see it and create a text within all the information you need. You don't really need to respond to some "support tickets", if they report people because of a bad message, you could just check that out by yourself.
"You can have a private channel by giving permission to the support role + the user"
That's a good point. If it's a case where you need to respond to him but there would be a pretty good amount of channel if your server is loaded.
But how would they contact you to get one? I'd like to get some information before I create a channel actually
"but why not just use a bot for that. "
I don't really want to add a bot because it would be pretty annoying for other users if they get the notification-sound of a channel where's nothing in anymore. And I'm not really sure how secure this is (I've never tried it) If the bot is down at anytime it could be pretty annoying, it's not private anymore then.
Also I'm pretty sure there are some kind of people who'll catch the message before it got removed from the bot.
I just imagine how these bots could work, so I'm not sure if that's even right how I'm thinking
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I tried, but they couldn't see the channel at all then
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Yeah, exactly what Noah van Zadelhoff said,
sorry if it's not detailed enough
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Hmmm for my server send messages+ cannot read message history works...
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If it's for support you still want a channel per support request. Otherwise you might have multiple members sending messages in 1 channel. How would Discord know what message from you to show to which user that is in the channel?
You can have a private channel by giving permission to the support role + the user. As it isn't per role you can easily have multiple channels visible for you and the client that needs support while they will only see their own support channel.
The additional feature that gets added by the use of this sytem is that you can add other people as well by hand and thus have 2 or 3 clients with the same problem get helped at the same time if they want.
You will however need a bot to create the support channel with the right permissions.
For suggestions this might work but why not just use a bot for that.1 -
"Well you could create a pinned message with some information you need from that person, they would see it and create a text within all the information you need. You don't really need to respond to some "support tickets", if they report people because of a bad message, you could just check that out by yourself."
I can see your way of thinking now and that would indeed need your requested feature, though maybe it shouldn't be channel but a right click action to report a message to server staff. Now you can only report to the Discord team.
I was thinking more along the technical support lines and not moderation support."That's a good point. If it's a case where you need to respond to him but there would be a pretty good amount of channel if your server is loaded.
But how would they contact you to get one? I'd like to get some information before I create a channel actually"
If you use a bot you can automatically have that created and deleted once the ticket is closed. And because it is only visible for the user creating it and support other users won't see it. And you can just have it be created under a category and the support can have that category collapsed so they wouldn't get overwhelmed with channels. Once something gets send in there it will show up again for staff as an unread notification.
There are some bots that are specifically made for this purpose, like https://discordbots.org/bot/352854019934257156 for example.I don't really want to add a bot because it would be pretty annoying for other users if they get the notification-sound of a channel where's nothing in anymore. And I'm not really sure how secure this is (I've never tried it) If the bot is down at anytime it could be pretty annoying, it's not private anymore then.
Also I'm pretty sure there are some kind of people who'll catch the message before it got removed from the bot.
Correct, but that's if you have a bot that only deletes messages from that channel and sends it in another. You can't have it in 1 channel as the message would need to be deleted with the current Discord features. I know of 1 bot, though it's a private bot, that works by sending a message from a user including their name and id with the text from the message in another channel so support/staff can view it.
The bot linked above is a better solution as it won't get compromised if it dies. You just can't send tickets in anymore.
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"maybe it shouldn't be channel but a right click action to report a message to server staff."
That's a good idea. Anyways.. I will try out that bot!
Thanks for your comments and your ideas.
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do you mind linking some? I'm trying to find one that does this, but is not a ticket bot, just looking for one where they can apply to join my clan but it's no read history and theres a pinned messaged at the top. Cheers in advance
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Just like Farlezz said exactly that would have been helpful for me as well.
Very useful for players who want to report stuff on my server to me but without the text being visible for everyone and also without "pinging" me (aka direct message).
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Turning off Read Message History does this, and you can disable the permission specifically in the channel for moderators, with Admins however, you’ll need to enable every permission manually because the Administrator permission bypasses channel perms. The owner will be able to see everything regardless but it’s most likely you are the Owner so, hope this helps.
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Yooo, thanks to everyone responding to this suggestion but also for following it and sending bot names/links to people to accomplish that.
The best way to reach that goal without bots is disabling the "chat-history" permission. In that case people will see the messages permanently till they restart discord (?)
The whole thread was about discord changing something so it'd be possible without bots. Mission failed (xD).
Thanks everyone <3
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Can you help me? I'm using discord for the first time and created a server for my online classes (I'm a high school teacher). I'm planning to create a text channel where I can read and write where others (students) can write but they can't see others message. I'm using it for the submissions of homework of the students. I don't know if there's a bot where it can do this or how to set it up.1 -
@Cher Techie
So far, I did not go much further into the topic of using bots for write-only-channels. My Admins decided to keep things simple and rather tell people to use DMs if they have any problems or questions. You might as well just ask your students to send the Homework to you via private DMs, could that be an option for you? If not so or in case you need (further) help with discord, add me as hecktkopf_testing#4439. I find it interesting to see that now even teachers use discord and would be happy to support you in that. :D
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Thanks for the recent attention to the post tho.
I hope you guys can find a way to help people accomplish that thing. I pretty much already gave up on it.
The best thing I could found was a ticket-bot which creates a channel when someone reacts with a specified emote to a message. Only admins & the dude who reacted with it can read and write in that new created channel. (https://tickettool.xyz/)
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This is not possible as you can see in this thread.
You can configure users not to be able to see previous messages but they can still see messages if they are online when the messages are sent. But you can tell your students to send you a private message or create a channel for each user (but there is a channel limit of 255 per server).
Another possibility is to use a bot.
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Yes, I am actively using this bot as a support system and it works quite good. However, there is a bit of an overhead in configuring it.
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okay everyone. i see that you say there isn't a way to make a write only channel. but i have successfully made a report channel that can be typed in but not read by anyone else except your moderators. to do this create your channel and default everyone can see it. under text permissions first click send messages to true, leave everything else in the middle spot not false or true just in between. under @everyone permissions change read messages to the middle, read history off, and send messages to true. with this also make sure mention roles is off as well. anything else can be on or off your choice just make sure you follow those parameters. you should end up with a write only channel for your people to report stuff but no one else can see it. i don't have to use a bot for this. i can read the issues and respond to each one then privately. even when tagging a person they won't see whats being said about them to the moderators/admins. hope this helped and was detailed enough and yes this was with the recent update discord had.
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@Anpu wrong. The middle switch just sets it to not override the permission. In your case, it is just not possible to read previously sent messages. But it is possible to read a message from someone else while the message is sent.
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dan1st this actually isn't incorrect. i understand what you are saying about the parameters, its something i already knew. and yes it may seem like that its not possible but it is. i made write only report channel no one else was able to read anyone elses messages. once i got the issue solved mind you. it started off with people not seeing it when i made the permissions switch. then i did this as, i described and then you have your write only channel. your mods or owners can see these remarks but no one else could. i tested it thoroughly before posting here to help someone. id take you onto the discord that i did it on but due to unfortunate events of owners breaking there own rules i left/was banned along with quite a few others. but this channel i made allowed for people to anonymously report a user for an infraction of the serer allowing us to effectively take care of it without a bunch of word vomit from others or the accused. no one else could read it, even what they typed disappeared to them shortly thereafter posting.
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Well in that case the only solution i can see to this problem is using direct messages, The downside is that only one person can see the message.
Or alternatively like you said of course, using a bot.-2 -
Send messages>true
Read messages>false
Should do it-7
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