Game nitro time limit
As i saw in the original blog post leading up to this one thing that may suck is the fact that some games may only be on nitro for a select amount of time this could be fixed so when the contract of nitro is about to expire or even your going to remove it from nitro give us a 24 HR clock that says "Free with nitro till 23:12:12" and it counts down when this reaches zero add it to the store for a discounted price at first and slowly build it back up to full price that way it is available for everyone to play just some people may buy it and some may get it with nitro. This may be useful as not all discord users are willing to pay a subscription fee for their games.
Plus a game should say "£14.99 or Free With Nitro" that way people don't feel pressured into buying nitro for games but the countdown would still work and be super useful.
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