Is it possible to make Discord be dark theme during certain hours of the day?



  • Hans

    Why not? Most other apps does that, why shouldn't Discord support it?

  • Dice

    Why would this even be downvoted? It's practically standard in most macOS apps by now, and is 100% possible in Electron apps such as Discord.

  • Amanie

    Not me, but people do use the light theme.

    Alternatively to sunrise/sunset, a schedulable one, like the Night Mode of Win10 1803+.

    …That said, how would it look like switching from each modes?

    • Instantaneous change upon a tick towards a certain time
    • A bit of notification showing up atop the interface (not necessarily popping or prompting up which may de-focus your typing), then seconds after changes the theme.
    • Theme change seconds after the window or app becomes unfocused.
  • Kotaro

    Agreed! And a adaptive darkmode that works with OneUi, to optionally change on the time of day would also be really neat!

  • Costpap
    Please add this Discord. Being a person who likes to use Discord in the open during daylight, trying to read text in dark theme without trying to find a shadow is a pain. Switching to light theme and back again can also get tiring. It'd be lovely and very nice to me if this was added.
  • DragoCubed

    In response to amanie: I think a simple 3 second fade would suffice.

    I would love options for a preset time and another option for sunrise/sunset like Nova Launcher for Android has. The Reddit app has added sunset/sunrise automatic dark theme switching

  • tired taurus

    I agree! Sometimes dark mode isn’t dark enough!

  • 404

    It’d be nice to have the ability to schedule the themes, since everyone has different bed times :* Love you guys

  • ZMYaro

    I got sick of waiting for this feature long enough I wrote a small browser extension to at least make it match my system theme (which changes as OP described) on desktop –

    Unfortunately, as far as I am aware, there is no way to do something like this for the mobile apps, so we are still waiting for the Discord dev team to make that feature available.

  • ember

    Sync with system now seems to work on Windows and web as of the latest update. That's not exactly the feature request here, but if you have your system theme on a schedule, Discord will follow suit.

  • Zacatero
    If its automatically switching, does that mean you've preset a time for it to do so?
  • skeddles

    this is in the wrong section.

  • codedungeon

    After all this time, I am surprised they have not implemented this feature.  I use the Discord app, but I may just have to switch to the browser version so that I can use your extension!


    Thanks for your efforts 👍🏼

  • ZMYaro

    Hype!  Thank you to the Discord dev team for adding the ability to sync the Discord dark theme setting with the system setting!

  • laliliga

    Thank you for discord dev team. I love the dark theme in the settings. Pikashow app download

  • Flashbulb

    i use discord light theme because its easier on the eyes during the day when sunlight is shining on my monitor (no i wont close my blinds for that) and blinding as heck at night— this auto day/night cycle would be amazing to have in place

    dark mode is for the 3am sleep deprived folks who have been blinded by the blue light from their screens :v

  • AGladePlugin

    Maybe even just having presets? And make those presets able to be keybinded to.

  • lennavahs

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  • wAffles
    no, there is no way to do this currently
  • NARbluebear

    Why would you want to use Light theme? That's about as blinding as most of this website, and even more blinding than the sun!

  • The Alabama Slammer

    This idea does not really make sense to me.


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