Make automatic idle an option to be disabled.



  • bdiego

    wow.. 2 years and zero comment from the Discord team... PING

  • ChrisP

    F#ck you discord for not even replying to this!


    This thread falling on deaf ears.
    Bad politics.

    I just have one room (server) left and a few users, rest is removed from Discord. Moved to MATRIX and the app ELEMENT.
    Not exactly the same but is opensource, and have many apps/clients for the MATRIX  protocol. Can never get to this state because of all different devs. You can for ex. register at for an account. I suggest move some stuff there!!! You can even set up a bridge from discord to matrix;

  • vertex

    BALLZ ty! Definitely going to check that out. Was looking for something like this since the irc/icq/msn/jabber joining Miranda grew out of fashion.

  • MEGA the comunista

    Pessoal da moderação do discord poderia me ajudar com esse problema ? uma vez eu tive que sair de um servidor por um tempo mas quando eu fui voltar me mandaram convite e aconteceu isso

    Could people from moderation of discord help me with this problem? once i had to leave a server for a while but when i went back they sent me an invitation and it happened

  • Hlallu

    21 days since the last update. Lets give it a quick bump and a handful of +1s for the most useful feature that hasn't been implemented yet.


    Side note: @discord I see you're hiring, I just applied. I'm also putting in my two week. Just gotta make one little change

  • scadateck (Ron)

    I would love to see disable and/or set timeout options for idle.

  • bun

    commented on this a year ago... still waiting for discord to see this

  • shu

    I'm confused why this is still not implemented.

  • Steelchamp

    I have the opposite problem - Discord is always open on my 2nd monitor and it seems to never set itself to auto idle so it looks like I'm literally at my PC 24/7!

    Would be nice if this issue was fixed at the same time as OP's issue.

  • pst🍀

    Look sot me like discord DEVS are using the info how long and when someone is online so they dont want to let us disable it...


    So soon we can ditch discord entierly for the matrix network!
    matrix "spaces" in beta now.

    I'm happy about this cuz i don't want to run discord anymore. I've had it with these devs.
    If they (devs) would respond at least once and say whats up it would be a whole other thing, but no.
    Anyway friends, have a nice day!


    i still want this for privacy reasons lol

  • colada

    boosting this, i have two discord accounts so have to use one in browser mode, and if i don't click on it every 10 minutes it looks like i've gone away when i haven't . it's a small thing but i don't think it should be hard to implement, especially after 3 years.

  • Kévin


  • Guillermo


  • merthsoft


    this is a privacy issue. please fix it.

  • Truebsal


    do it!

  • Oleg Knyazev

    Please add an option. Discord. It's so native inquiry.

  • Ducky

    Years of people asking, not even a response from staff on something that would take a few hours of code to implement. What are people paying nitro subs for if you refuse to add simple privacy fixes to your application? 

  • Skpcboy

    Please discord add an option to change the time taken to turn to idle please <3

  • Vitor Aleixo

    Please, Discord devs, we need an option for that.

    This can't be a nightmare to implement...

  • ArkNemesiss

    Yes, please.

  • Cellfic

    Just quickly giving this a +1

  • coldreactive

    Staff only respond to ideas that get over a few thousand votes, if it's being considered in the first place. I don't like having to set my status to busy to disallow me from going AFK.


    Discord will also put you as AFK if you're in a fullscreen application.

  • AterNyctos

    This needs to be implemented!

  • fb

    Dozens of messages, more than 4 years old request, hundreds of upvotes, and no answer from Discord. Looks like as any company, if they get too big, they don't care about their customers anymore and just do what gets the most money, like new emotes etc. I would like to have this function as well for privacy reasons.

  • Samuptperez

    something that I would like would be to be able to copy the roles, because when you create a new server you try to create new channels of voice, text, etc. But roles are a bit complicated to set up because you decide each permission then you try to create the same roles and set it up again.

  • NOVA

    This is a very basic option that has been around for about as long as instant messengers have had an auto-away feature, and it's very frustrating that Discord does not have it. I'm not sure why Discord can't just add a simple toggle to turn it off. From a technical point of view it would be trivial to do. Internally things would still function the same, i.e. if you get a notification on desktop and then become "away", it would deliver the notifications to your phone. The only difference would be that nobody would see your status change from online to away.

  • Pham Bui Khai An

    my account has been randomly disabled what do I do?


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