Disabling pings on a specific channel inside a server
Some servers have specific annoying channels that ping the entire server, which are annoying just to you/a small group of members in the server. There should be a feature that allows you to disable pings on a specific channel, while still getting pings for other channels.
this is not efficient and i do not appear to be able to do anything other than mute the channel (which does not stop pings)
i do not wish to mute the entire server and its pings, some channels are important while others are not
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I also would like to not have pings in a specific channel
the numbers that appear next to channels and on taskbar still show up even after I muted the channel in every possible way
I've muted @everyone I've muted the @here and @mentions notification options for that channel, but I still get mentioned pings!!
I've already tried putting this to "nothing" and "mute" for that channel
But no matter which one I switch to, I still get pings even if the channel is darkened out due to being muted
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I agree that this functionality should be added. It is annoying that suppressing pings is all or nothing for servers. I would really want to be able to suppress pings for just a video feed channel pinging everyone for example, while keeping announcement pings unsupressed.
And to clear up changing notifications settings to nothing for a channel, this does not suppress pings for a server, I am pretty sure it just prevents any ping sounds and mobile notifications.
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hello, I am a server owner and I want to disable in text channels the option to mention any kind of mentions like specific member (example: @Nedv),specific roles @here and @everyone. currently there is only the option to disable @role @here and @everyone
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This already exists. Go to your server notification settings and scroll to the bottom. You can edit your notification overrides there. -4
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