Arabic language
Please add Arabic language on Discord.
There are many Arab Discord users, and we see that there is no Discord support for the Arabic language.
اضافة اللغة العربية
25 -
rough translation: please add arabic language to mobile version 15 -
While I certainly agree that it should be implemented, arabic brings quite a few issues from a developer's standpoint when compared to the other languages Discord has added. Since it reads left to right, it screws with a lot of the features discord has today and can really mess with the UI.
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I strongly agree, there are thousands of Arab users who have major problems in English. These problems force them to use other applications and programs.
23 -
I strongly agree . there is a very huge number of Arabic users to discord , adding Arabic language will make it easier to use discord and control servers
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@Solo The team already told us that they're willing to support Arabic when they listed the language in Crowdin. Now it's 100% translated. Many technologies add a certain level of support for Localization with RTL & LTR. Discord developers can simply use these technologies to adapt their front-end to support RTL languages such as Arabic, Persian, and Hebrew. I know for sure that these three languages have huge communities already using Discord and it would make their lives so much easier if the UI was available in their native language.
I've been spending my free time in the past few months trying to flip the UI of many websites so that it's RTL friendly, and that didn't take me a few days for each website. It's really not that hard, specially when we all know that Discord team is very talented and qualified.
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i don't think you want a half-finished translation in your app. every single translation is half-effort and half-finished at the moment. there won't be any more added soon, and that should be obvious.
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Why not add it and all the languages you can use only Arabic does not exist ..?
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Xx_SuPeRsLaYeR_xX ؟
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because discord doesn't hire enough people for translation and have to rely on google translate-level translation. if they had actual translators, then maybe.
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Discord has users from every language, region. So, it's an awesome idea in my opinion! 4 -
اصوت بصوت عالي وأغطية الرأس الأخضر السلفادور
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نعم نريد اللغة العربية لنسخة الجوال
10 -
Discord actually uses volunteer translators from the community in order to translate languages from english. From there, the translators vote on the correct translation of each phrase. However, since August, they have shut down the crowdin page to work with a company for translations.
دسكورد بيستخدم ناس يتكلمون عربي من المجتمع عشان يترجوا من إنجليزي. من هنا كل مترجم يقترح أي الكلام صح. بس من شهر 8, سكروا موقع الترجمة علشان يتعاملوا مع شركة ترجمة على ما أظن.
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لماذا لاتضيفون الغة العربيه
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well they would need to find someone to translate it since google translate... isnt that great
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Yeah thanks for the comment mate
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I am happy to help with the Arabic language support if you guys need a volunteer
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where the arabic language???!
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Server /
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Please add the arabic language in a new version
Thanks..6 -
حاولوا انكم تنشرون منشورات التي ترغب الاضافة اللغة العربية
6 -
please add arabic language in the new update please
ضيفو اللغة العربية في التحديث الجديد رجاء
5 -
we need to get to 1000 votes on this , share for all
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ديسكورد خاص بالعرب ف اتوقع انه هذا اللي قصدك فيه بس حاليا في سيرفرات عربية كثير مره
1 -
Hello, why don't you add the Arabic language in the discord? I suggest you add and thank you
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رجائا ضيفوا اللغة العربية
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