Clyde - Version Updates
you can see the change logs of updates in User Settings > Change log
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You know, instead of making a whole new bot, we could just change "Clyde" do "Clyde v2" or just keep it the same with adding new features. But what would be useful is when a friend removes you, if you have been banned or kicked from a server or ect. But a good feature to add.
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I would be interested in seeing Clyde get some more functionality in this way. Clyde is definitely very useful and I think being notified that a user was kicked or banned from a server, along with the reason provided would make it easier for a user to understand why a server suddenly vanished from their list and whether they'll be able to re-join later. 0 -
Clyde is a nice prebuilt ai that tells you if someone has blocked you, or something minor has gone wrong with something you have done. I think it's time we introduce Clyde's cousin Slyde to the playing field. Slyde would message you Discord version updates in case you forget what is new in your current discord version. Fingers crossed the battle of the bots never take place.
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