Reports for threats of self harm are useless?
AnsweredNote, this is not a report, this is not a specific case, this is a general complaint about a lack of progress resulting from the report program when it comes to suicidal issues. So please, do not strike this down, I am so tired of getting no answers..
Please also note that this is not an attack on anyone personally, or on Discord over all, or even the Trust and Safety team. I think this platform is over all fantastic and only getting better with age, but there are things I don't think are working so well.. and the biggest is the Trust and Safety system, in regards to reports of self harm. I mean no ill will, but I am upset, and want answers...
Please don't make me take this further some how... I don't even know how I would. Maybe sue? Don't think I have much ground... but I am desperate for results and clarity.
Look, I love Discord, but I am making this post because I don't know were else to turn. I have been dealing with what seems an epidemic of suicidal and depressed people. I get that you may think a lot of it is not serious, and some of it is indeed drama that won't last and attention seeking and just kids...
But there is a good portion, that after investigating and talking, turns out to be real, involving mental illness, or worse, and a number of other issues.
I have used Discord reports in the past to try and make some progress, to save these people, the reason being, I assumed Discord was competent at doing so.
Turns out that is false.
How do I know? Because I have made at least 3 dozen reports and NONE of them have followed through, either the person ends up still talking and still doing their suicidal things, and only make it that long because of me and maybe some friends intervening, or because at BEST someone disappears...
What I gather from what the Trust and Safety team tells me is that all they do is email/contact the account and hand them the hotline for suicide, and that's it.
No attempt at taking the data they would have access to, like IPs, that can lead to heir home/help send cops or something, no attempt to contact authorities, and when ever I have actually called authorities on my own, they have never reported talking to you guys, even when I said to do exactly that and provided all the info needed.
Every time I have asked for an answer as to what is going on, I have received either dead silence, such as in the case of the actual Discord Trust and Safety moderator on Reddit, or a cut and paste response that I should use a hot line, which I am sorry, only work for a percentage of suicidal people, or to call cops myself.
The problem with those is that they only work if the person is willing, or if I have enough info to direct the cops. Cops can't go off of someone randomly on an app, they can't go off of literally anyone in the world could be who it is, they need real data to find them.
What this means is I usually have to do real digging myself and either search for data, like names and addresses, yes I know it messes with privacy, or I just ask them until I get enough. Like, that shouldn't be the case, you should have to basically DOXX someone to save their life. It should be built in.
The worst part I think is that it's so ubiquitous how many people just drop the link to the report page and then do NOTHING else, and that, said system, does so little.
I realize it's not Discord's job to police people or be therapy, and I am also well aware that some people are just insane/attention seekers/there is more too the story that would mean just sending cops won't help/they are even on a vpn or something and can't be traced... but ultimately, you guys, [Discord staff] need to decide what kind of platform you are going to be.
Are you going to be one that is neglectful of it's populace or cares? I realize those are extremes, and that the people who are currently real humans working on the Trust and Safety thing probably do care, and are trying, but if they don't have the tools.. or the permission, to ACTUALLY save lives, then what is their purpose?
I mean think about this logically for a second...
Telling people to call authorities and or use a hotline is great, it makes sense. But does everyone who uses this do so? CAN they? Like I said, not everyone will even make the call, and some will be too afraid/unable to call police, such as in an international issue, or just plain not knowing any info on the person.
And no, you can't just call police and tell them the user name, it's not enough, even the user ID's and things aren't enough, and probably aren't even recorded right given how long they are...
Am I the ONLY one who sees this? Am the only one? I can't be. Please, for the love of God Discord, respond to this with more then "We can't tell you how we work because privacy." or "Call cops yourself."
That is literally all I get... it's not enough. I have currently for example three cases, I think more really, of concern, all of which I lack any knowledge to use to do any intervention myself.
I can talk to them, but it's not enough, and they are not going to get help unless parents are notified, and I am sorry, it won't happen in an email, and it won't happen by telling them to do it.
I have tried.
I need more then a system that gives a false sense of security, I need something that WORKS.
I know you can't tell me details like names and things... But please, tell WHAT you do, if you do ANYTHING.
Because I am seriously at this point suspecting the answer is jack doodle. I don't know the other aspects of the report system, maybe it works fine. But when it comes to suicide, I never see results I didn't fight for myself and was blessed by God enough to have info in time to have breakthroughs, you guys, on the other hand, you have never helped me...
For a system that purports to fairly investigate claims of self harm, and then do something about it, you have failed. Or at least, nothing has worked for me in particular... Please. Talk to me and help me.
Official comment
Hi there! I'm sorry that you feel frustrated with our reporting system. I assure you that our Trust and Safety team is doing everything within their power every single day and I, personally, know of several different instances where a case of self harm was reported and we ended up saving their life.
Unfortunately, this website is intended for actionable feedback on features or suggestions for new features to add to Discord. Your concerns won't reach the TnS team here. Instead, I'd suggest filing a complaint via (it's a different group of people) and they'll make sure your frustrations are passed on.
As such I'm closing out this particular ticket as invalid.
I am sorry if this comes off as hate. I am just desperate for answers and for breakthroughs, and cops cant help, and I have no other way of getting help then this system, and its not done anything in the past, so I don't trust it...
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It's so depressing seeing that such an important issue is so easily cast by the way side.
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Nah agree with you totally. Tbh FB's safety thing works better. In the past I've wanted to commit suicide and I said it on messager and it got reported. FB proceeded to "lock" me out until i could get help. I dont remember what happened exactly but its better than what Discord is doing
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