Discord Phone Number Support



  • bruh

    Help where
    Is the number

  • Alexander_


  • ٴٴ


  • Chip da ripper

    How tf I do this bc somehow my phone number is invalid

  • Penis

    I didnt get nitro for have xbox game pass wtf


    Ok but what’s the support number

  • Calanon

    What is their number i need to report the add friends isnt working...

  • Acez_Za

    Hi discord I recently was on my second account when it suddenly asked me to verify via my phone number, i did it willingly but now cannot log back into my main account to game,it is saying number was recently used on another account even though I just disabled/deleted my second account hoping it would fix my main one. Please I am a content creator and need acess to my discord account thanks! Please sort this out

  • Soul Burner

    Hi I'm being harrassed by some people on my other account and I want them to go away

  • Soul Burner

    Serena Kitty 2508

  • killacrew

    My discord is not working plz help

  • killacrew


  • 3kardmonty

    What is their phone number I need to cancel .

  • 3kardmonty

    I want to talk to a human at discord whats their phone number?


  • Jadeite

    This is a very good idea!

  • Mark Joe

    If you search about discord support you get there to submit a request link. Where you can directly contact them about your concern. It might take time but they defiantly solve your problem. There are several contact number on the google but a not sure they offering service or not. Because they are not from official discord sources.

  • thomas1
    (888) 594-0085
  • Sunsethord1600

    I want to submit a report😭😭😭

  • TrollGod

    Hello i cant claim nitro idk why,i got from my friend pls help me to claim it,my discord name is TrollGod#3664

  • TrollGod

    And it will expired about 200 hour pls help mee :(😭

  • Can you send me a phone number so I can continue using discord

  • z1
    (888) 594-0085
  • I can’t log back into my main because it says “I have to verify my phone number, number was recently used on another account” can y’all please fix this problem. Thank you! I really need to log into my discord account

  • Matsu

    i just now started having problems about my discord i cant verify with my phone number everytime i do it says this number is in use to another account what going on up there why cant i get into my account


  • rose (^-^)

    Discord support literally didn’t even fix the problem i was having i tried logging in again after 6 hours but bc of the same “Your phone number was used on a different account” i can’t get on my main your support system is unhelpful didn’t even tell me how long I have to wait I removed the phone number from the other account but now I can’t read it back to my account. This is bullcrap pls fix your support system and actually try helping for once. this isn’t the first problem i had with your help either. your staff aren’t helpful and they never get back to people they say they’re busy then never speak to you again. you need better staff!!!

  • teacaman | Legion Ventures

    I can’t log back into my main account because it says “I have to verify my phone number, number was recently used on another account” by mistake.

  • Who Am I

    Hello, my discord account is saying “Something going on here” and it won’t let me verify a number. To add on I’m on mobile can anybody help out?

  • 7812443048

    Same problem with phone number verification but i see that everyone here is getting no help. Kinda sucks cause I'm sure everyone uses this to stay in contact with family or work and can't do either right now cause of a faulty system

  • Vikaash

    Does any one know why discord is not sending me any code to my phone


  • powerranger109

    Does any one know why discord is not sending me any code to my phone


    i just now started having problems about my discord i cant verify with my phone number everytime i do it says this number is in use to another account what going on up there why cant i get into my account Gmail no



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