Formatting - List items



  • Geratius

    It could be very useful.

  • 0347

    I'd love this.

    In keeping with markdown tradition, I think it should probably be something like `* text message here`. Since there is always a space of the `*`, it can be distinguished from regular italics (`*italics*`) and bullet pointed italics (`* *italics*`).

    I also think we should have indents (so `  -` gets treated as indented as does `  test`) and ordered lists (eg `1. an ordered list`)

  • chimeforest

    I'd like an option for ordered and un-ordered lists too.

  • katieastrophe

    +1 on this suggestion (here because I've just been Googling for how to achieve this)

  • flamewave000

    +1 as I ended up here like katieastrophe trying to find a way to do nice formatted lists. A very fundamental part of markdown and I use them all the time via simple ` - ` prefixes, but would look so much better under proper format.

  • AlexH0661

    +1 It would be great to have the following list types

    Discord Markdown Support

    Discord provides support for the following Markdown elements.

    | Element | Support |

    | --- | --- |
    | Ordered Lists | No |
    | Unordered Lists | No |
    | Definition Lists | No |
    | Task Lists | No |



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