screen share in 1080p for everyone!



  • Zacatero
    Also Discord doesn't make business decisions based on every person unhappy they dont get everything for free and threaten to go to TS... so idk why you ranted...
  • Phosphorshy

    Amboris, unlike Skype, Discord doesn't have ads, and yes team-viewer might do it for free, but that is all they do, so they can focus on that 

  • FranchuFranchu

    streaming 1080p costs a lot of bandwith to discord servers

  • Wigma

    Discord’s main goal is supply us with servers/voice channels to keep in touch with friends/community. If u think discord is a “money grab” just plain dumb. U can go back to team-speak or Skype. Discord nitro is for the people who support discord. Literally the best chat service to date. Idk if u even saw it but they gave out a lot like more than 15k in free 1-month discord nitro subs for Christmas. And gave a lot more free stuff away. A cash grabbing company also doesn’t give early supports of discord free nitro games till 2021. So I wouldn’t even call discord a cash grabbing company not even close. They offer a free service to all users.... they make 0$ until they made the store. The store is better than steam’s store for developers. Steam’s payoff is 70/30 and discord’s is 90/10. Literally they have a few perks for people who want them and they don’t shove them down ur throats. If u want a cash grab like I said go back to team-speak.

  • Zacatero
    Yeah @amboris pipe down. Discord isnt a money grab. If you want to stream in 1080p quality, then pay for Nitro. It costs them to support that so why shouldn't it cost you?
  • Zacatero
    Discord is still a business after all. Clearly its something you want, so they want to charge money for it. Makes logical sense.
  • Wigma

    That’s just gonna take away from the perks of subscribing to discord nitro.

  • amboris

    I just though: discord business app now? am I able to use it commercially, will I have the ability to make money? so people pay 5$ a month to share screen in fullHD between 2 people what other program doing it for free + some minor extras as having gif? you guys really thing the nitro with all its feature is worth more than 0.80$ a month? for 5$ a month I get 500 free minutes, 500 sms and 5 Gib bandwidth/roaming for my phone. this business policy of discord is way worse than what EA did with Battlefront 2 or valve taking huge money for minimal content that is even bugged. and it seems the community (or even fake discord team acc) like to express their support and follow the downhill path. I am disappoint in discord and its feedback community and do absolutely not understand that no one beside me there want that to be a free feature. No matter how good discord will become one day, I will always remember this money sucking mindset. that said, I now set to never ever pay any penny on discord with their mindset of sucking money for non existing value and tell all my friend to do the same and they can tell all their other friends with the hope that all who would agree to my though would do the same. As for FullHD screen share I will just use skype or Team-viewer for free from now on. as for all that support discord I am not judging you guys, everyone are free to do what they want with their money. Maybe I will start to gather knowledge how to make a app and finish the app in 3 years which surpass discord in every aspect and will give you all the classic nitro feature for free, you guys can spend your money on my app then.


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