Make the shop open in a separate window
Currently you have to open the shop in the same window we chat in. This is obvious of course, as it's build into the current Discord app.
It does however, come with some inefficiencies:
- Most obviously: you can't talk and browse the store at the same time. So even though games are beautifully embedded when you actually open the game your friend linked you you'll be taken out of the conversation into the store
- Browse filters are unset after switching back and forth between a server and the store, meaning that if you and your friend/significant other/dog are browsing through the store to find a game to play together you will have to manually set these filters every time.
Looking for games and sending their links in a channel/DMs will get very annoying, but mostly just way easier if the store is in a separate window.
All in all it's just better to have the store open in a new window. The only downside would probably be the extra processing power it would take and thus be harder on older/weaker systems. This shouldn't be too big of an impact however.
The only time I've spent enough time for your first point to be an issue was when I got Nitro and wanted to install a lot of the games.
To your second point, it's more a problem with the filters' persistency than with a new window.0 -
@Hurtz Agreed the second thing isn't huge, but it still ties in to the fact that the store reopens because it's in the same window.
First thing is a personal thing, but I've had enough people to find this a nuisance to submit this feedback /shrug
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