Move "start call" button in DM/group DMs
I have accidentally started calls on multiple occasions when trying to open the DM hamburger menu. It is embarassing and disruptive, especially late at night. With the imprecision of small touch screens, it's basically inevitable. I suggest the button be moved away from the other buttons or be spaced apart to avoid accidental use. A confirmation box on mobile when starting calls would also be very welcome. Thanks
Can this PLEASE be a thing, Discord. I can not tell you how many times I have been laying in bed using the Discord app, only to drop my phone and try to grab it, accidentally tapping the call button. And it doesn't help that it IMMEDIATELY begins the call, no warning. This seems like a major flaw in the app. If you can't move/give the user the option to disable the make a call feature, could you please make it warn you with a yes or no prompt, to avoid accidental, awkward calls?
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Happened to me, casually scrolling through server, I hold my finger to look somewhere else, get teleported to DM and call a friend. Just a confirmation message is good enough to stop those akward moments
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We need this.
Not just on mobile, either.
Trying to look at pinned messages has caught me out a few times in a group chat.
Calling someone at 3am does not go down too well.
Please, move them away or give the option to hide.10 -
A confirmation or ability to move/disable voice functionality for people that rarely or never use it would be greatly appreciated. Hitting the button on accident is an instant connection that's difficult to cancel.
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It's frankly criminal how inconveniently placed the call button is, and you can't even delete the log that indicates that you started a call.
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I walked somewhere and didnt realize I was in discord and called a comes like a massage that this person have called u and I feel like Remove It Now or I’m dead inside😕
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I’ve done this dozens of times accidentally, please look into a solution (like a confirmation)
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This is why 3rd party clients do exist, cause even the larger suggestions arent getting heared properly, please discord i beg you, listen to your community for once
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It seems like incredibly poor interface design to get people used to the search function appearing in one region of the screen for all guild channels and then in DMs swap it out for a function that's embarrassing to use on accident and is not safeguarded by any manner of confirmation prompt.
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This needs to happen, a more sensible place for the call button would be right next to the user's name.
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Discord, we DONT need to call or video chat with random strangers online. Move the button into the user profile or something.
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Need this. On Mobile I accidentally hit video call in a big group chat, That shit was so embarassing
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Discord needs a confirmation thing that when you press the call button, a box pops up and you have to click yes or no or just move the call button somewhere else, I don’t know how many times I have accidentally called someone on discord. Last night I was in a group with 10 people just scrolling through messages and I accidentally hit the call button and woke someone up at 3:30am.
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Bump this please!
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Or at least have a confirmation message once you click so you don’t accidentally call someone.
The amount of times I’ve accidentally done this when clicking on someone’s profile.
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I have dialed people in the middle of the night just by picking up my phone when the direct message chat was on the screen.
Honestly, I'd be happier if I had the option to disable direct calling on mobile altogether, and even happier if I could enable/disable it per person.
But I would be satisfied with a confirmation of some kind (like "slide button to the right to continue with call").
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discord please ive already accidentally called people multiple times this is terrible ui design just fix this for the love of all that is holy please
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