Coding display in Discord



  • クリス

    That would be done with an RPC plugin for VS Code.

    Making a quick Google search, I found four plugins that should fulfill what you're asking:

    Hopefully one of those will provide what you're asking for! There are more plugins available here!

    PS: If you got a notification about a comment before mine, I just simply submitted this comment too fast, so I removed and reposted it here 😉 

  • PhonedLeek25

    i found millions of plugins for VS Code, but i use visual studio community, is there a way to show from that? :(

  • Hello Phoned! I guess you've found this after seven months, but anyway I want to leave this here for the people that gets here looking for the same:


    That's for VIsual Studio Community presence on DC, hope this helps.


    Good luck!


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