Groove Music
If Spotify can have a "listening to Spotify" feature (with the song being played), Groove Music should get the same treatment
It isnt as easy as just adding the feature.... just because its with Spotify doesnt automatically mean they can do the same with any other service they want 2 -
Who tf uses this Bullsht anyways ?
-25 -
Come unisco Groove Music al mio server?
-3 -
I agree with this idea.
It sucks only been used with Spotify.4 - Theres this but you have keep running it when you are using Groove Music.
4 -
"Who tf uses this Bullsht anyways ?" @KoroFX
Me.6 -
I made one that uses less resources, and you can configure it to run when you open groove, and close when groove closes without you having to do anything
6 -
I made one that uses less resources, and you can configure it to run when you open groove, and close when groove closes without you having to do anything
This does exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a lot and congrats con your great work!
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