Implement a BRB state.



  • sadkjfhlkdfjxzcvze

    Should just remove all states. I feel like there is no need to know if anyone is online or offline.

  • Edvin

    It's good to have them there. Maybe if you don't want someone to start messaging you or if you are avoiding someone you can use them. But I feel like no one ever selects the orange one..

  • donovan_dmc

    The Idle state is exactly this, I'm not here right now, but I'm not completely offline. Discord switches over to this automatically, if you don't have the app open anywhere else.

  • sadkjfhlkdfjxzcvze

    I actually keep mine on idle status 24/7. Either I am idle or I am offline.

  • Edvin

    Exactly as I thought. People missunderstand my request. I KNOW that the Orange one means idle. I KNOW that it swifts over after 10 minutes. But what I mean is, generally when I see people on Discord with the Orange one I don't even mind messaging them because they could have been idle for let's say, 10 hours. But implementing a BRB function would break this. Because there is no way for someone to fake that their BRB. Let's say someone is BRB. Then you KNOW that the person in question is returning very soon, so there actually is a reason to message them. And if you touch your computer while you are in the BRB status, it goes over to Online again. And if you DON'T touch your computer for 10 minutes while being BRB you go over to Orange.

  • sadkjfhlkdfjxzcvze

    What if someone does not want someone to know they are in BRB status? Because there are people who do fake BRB sometimes for whatever reason they have. 

  • Edvin

    Sure, then you can use Invisible or Do Not Disturb. That's literally what they're for.


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