Use of Discord by Older Members


1 comment

  • passTheKetchup

    Hi Charlie,

    It's been a year since your post, with no comments, but hey, better late than never, and other people might read this and get some useful information.

    In 2020, I think you'd be better off ignoring Discord for now, and just checking out AltspaceVR. It is a 3D platform build around user (and some corporate) events that are attended by users, and encourages user information sharing and interpersonal interactions. You don't have to use a Virtual Reality (VR) headset if you don't have one, but I think you have to be running something like Windows 10. There is a lot more user-centric help in getting started, and less "assumed" knowledge. There are real human volunteers wandering around "in world" to answer your questions in real time. If you're more into reading, they have a pretty extensive set of web Help pages. See and

    Discord is a more succinct communication and feedback channel used by platforms and users, and if you don't understand the implied de facto standards, you'll either have to learn from example by scrolling thru existing chats or doing a lot of Googling. AltspaceVR itself relies on Discord for company-to-user communications, but isn't required for you. Wait until you get you "sea legs" before diving into Discord.

    Disclaimer: I am not employed or volunteer for either Discord or AltspaceVR :)


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