Discord Mobile Badge Popup
I had an idea for mobile badges.
I was thinking that similar to how desktop dead with it the mobile badges (https://imgur.com/gallery/eEGPO5W (❤️Dabbit)) should be able to be pressed and a little pop up text will come up and tell you what badge it is, similar to the function of hovering over badges on computer. It’s a small little thing that wouldn’t really make much a difference but it couldn’t hurt :)
this is already a thing on Android builds already it shows an Android UI Pop up at the bottom showing the info 1 -
hmm interesting. iOS doesn’t :o. Well, actually, if there’s one badge then it’ll show but if you have more than one they collapse into just icons, maybe if you press the badges they expand into each badge on another line with the same description they’d have if there was only one badge.
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