Hold back Potentially misleading/malicious bots
So, as of recently; There have been many bots going around disguising as a speedily growing discord bot that I personally own named ServerMate. These bots have been being mistakenly invited to various users servers, these bots then go and DM advertise the bot owners server to everyone poor enough to be in the server with the fake bot. This has ended in me sending various requests to discord to remove the bots involved and their owners. But, this normally only results in the bot being banned from discord and not the bot creator. These bots have been ranging in imitations of bots such as Partner Bot, ServerMate, Dyno and many others.
So, what I want to do here is to have either one of two options decided to be added, I would like you to post #1 or #2 depending on what you want to happen in response below
Here is what I am suggesting:
#1 - Hold back bot creation if they hold certain similarities to larger discord bots, such as mine and others (I know mine isn't that big, but it doesn't matter):
This would simply result in a red box being shown if a bot seems to imitate a name AND icon from another discord bot, as if it were trying to look just like it as many of these copies do. This red box would tell the developer that discord will check over the changes that they wish to make to the bot and if the agent who checks the bot sees it as potentially malicious or purposely misleading, the changes will be denied and the bot could be possibly removed and the bot owner could maybe receive a strike on their discord account.
#2 - Display a red bar on a DM from a bot:
Since many of these bots end up mass DMing users from various servers and locations (and are most likely the first DM the user has received from the specific bot), the API should be able to easily pick up this purposeful spam of identical messages and display a red bar at the top of the DM saying that the bot could be for a misleading or malicious purpose and if they would like they could report it to the trust and safety team (Just like for example; if you delete a message in a server)
Hopefully this explains what I would like well, if not; ask me and I will try to get back to you ASAP.
Also possibly banning the users who created those bots if possible.
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Don't make it harder to create Bots! I think the mainpoint here is that some Discord Owner can't verify if the Bot Invite Link is legit. So the Bot Invite Link should be improved to bring some clarification like displaying the Owner (Team, in how many Discords the Bot is and/or when the Bot was created. So you may not trust an Bot that was created 2days before and only in 10 guilds. -1 -
No offence, but try reading the actual suggestion description. I said hold it back if its name and icon matches that of another bot, not hold back any bot creation
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Yeah and you know how many Bots are called MusicBot out there 0 -
But they don't have the same name and profile picture, do they? I made my own assets, if someone wants to take the same name and icon, then they should have a problem/delay in doing so and this is what I mean. There should be safeguards in place to stop people making a bot to imitate another, if the bot has the same name, so what? At least it doesn't look just like another one.
I will not continue this discussion here. If you want to talk to me, do so in my main server which you will have no problem in doing so it seems
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i think i ran into one of these bots and found this page looking for a way to report it i took a screen shot of the message that it sent me i hope this can help the staff deal with the issue
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Sorry for the delay in reply, please report the bot to discord directly here: https://dis.gd/request
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Hello, I'm a Discord User and I've some friends and like besties so the thing is yesterday me and my friends we're just on Discord and I don't use Discord that much so I used it and I talked to my friend and said hi's after that he said do you have like a bot sending you a friend request so I said yes and then I said it doesn't looks like a normal bot it has like numbers on it. he was shocked he wrote in caps SAME! and then I freaked out he said send me a screenshot of it I did and he was shocked again my body was shaking like crazy I started thinking like was that bot a hacker or like that? And then he said I have friended that bot and he's like spamming Bitcoin and like earn free ROBUX scam sites. I said I'mma friend that bot, When I did I was like idle. He spammed all over again Bitcoin things and then ROBUX and then...... The worst part the bot showed me a screenshot of me and my other best friend saying things about the Bot and with that screenshot he said I SEE YOUR EVERY MOVE. I freaked out unfriended that bot and closed his DM and I didn't block him because I wanted to figure out again my friend was shocked again when I told him that and then... My friend and me had some servers so I was just chilling trying to forget about that Bot and what happened suddenly my friend message me and said go to the server I said nothing and I just got to my favourite server SUDDENLY the Bot was in the server my friend's said nothing I was like I- and they said yeah... I freaked out and typed fast THAT BOT IS IS THE SERVER my friend's said he is muted though he was not he was not spamming like crazy (The Bot) to make my friend's think he is muted. And I quickly tried to ban him but my friend's kicked him first and then I banned him from the server the Bot again today I got a message from my friend saying that the Bot was banned!!! i was like yay! Let's party. Then.... the Bot sent me a friend request again like HOW???? I messaged my other friend and he said no that's a lie my other friend said not my bestie I showed him a difference of the screenshots that I took. And then he didn't answer I got to my bestie and I also did that again and he said Okay. And then I said HOW??? did he sent me a friend request but not you guys and he is like banned! And the bot's username was same like before. And then he said we can't do anything just don't answer ignore it. It's like that I'm his Victim. The Boy username: Bot.a16b4agb5 please ban that Bot. Sorry it was long for you to read it but this is actually true.
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