[Suggestion] Created user accounts should be verified before to be able using them.
I´m here to make a suggestion about account creation, a recent event that happened to me, I would like to request a feature that created user accounts should be verified before to be able using an account, verified with email or phone verification.
[The event]
A random person was able to create an account using my official first and last name email address which I use for school and work emails, without needing to verify account or have access to my email as well. Was sending harassment and inappropriate messages from that account.
For everyone safety and protecting unauthorized use of emails that wont has a discord account, this would be a beneficial improvement to all, by this implementation it would an effect caused problems hundred of unverified accounts to join servers, messages, any harm would cause by this, it would be decreasing the risk of getting abused using people emails that won't use discord.
At the moment anyone can create account without verifying it using fake invented emails or using others which don't have an account on that if you own unofficial for gaming and newsletter and official emails support, job applications, etc.
Yes, I am aware of that you can set servers to request email and phone verifications but unfortunately not all servers use this feature, so still user creation is possible without verifying it.
[Finnish translation]
Haluan tehdä parannuksen tilin luontiin, viimeisin tapahtuma joka tapahtui minulle, haluaisin pyytää ominaisuutta että tilit pitäisi vahvistaa sähköpostilla tai puhelimella ensin ennen kuin niitä voi käyttää. Joku pystyi luomaan virallisen sähkepostini kanssa tilin ilman että hänen piti vahvistaa se tai saada pääsy sähköpostiini, jolloin pystyi lähettämään häiritseviä tai epäasiallisia viestejä.
Kaikkien turvaksi ja suojaksi, tämän ominaisuuden tuominen olisi kaikkien etu, sillä tämä vaikuttaisi, satoihin ei vahvistettuihin tili spämmeihin, viesteihin, tai muuhun haittaan jota voisi koitua tästä, ja riski tälle vähentyisi huomattavasti.
Tällä hetkellä kuka vaan voi luoda tilin ilman että vahvistaa sen tai käyttää itsekeksettyä, tai jopa jonkun muun sähköpostia millä ei ole tiliä kuten jos omista epävirallisen ja virallisen sähköpostin, epävirallisen peliasioihin ja virallisen työ/koulu asioihin joihin et halua discordin saavia viestejä.
Haluan tehdä parannuksen tilin luontiin, viimeisin tapahtuma joka tapahtui minulle, haluaisin pyytää ominaisuutta että tilit pitäisi vahvistaa sähköpostilla tai puhelimella ensin ennen kuin niitä voi käyttää. Joku pystyi luomaan virallisen sähkepostini kanssa tilin ilman että hänen piti vahvistaa se tai saada pääsy sähköpostiini, jolloin pystyi lähettämään häiritseviä tai epäasiallisia viestejä.
Kaikkien turvaksi ja suojaksi, tämän ominaisuuden tuominen olisi kaikkien etu, sillä tämä vaikuttaisi, satoihin ei vahvistettuihin tili spämmeihin, viesteihin, tai muuhun haittaan jota voisi koitua tästä, ja riski tälle vähentyisi huomattavasti. Tällä hetkellä kuka vaan voi luoda tilin ilman että vahvistaa sen tai käyttää itsekeksittyä, tai jopa jonkun muun sähköpostia millä ei ole tiliä kuten jos omista epävirallisen ja virallisen sähköpostin, epävirallisen peliasioihin ja virallisen työ/koulu asioihin joihin et halua discordin saavia viestejä.
Ja olen tietoinen että palvelimiin voi asettaa vaatia sähköposti vahvistuksia tileistä mutta kaikki palvelimet ei tätä käytä, joten silti tämä mahdollisuus on olemassa että voi luoda tilin ilman vahvistusta.
Here is some picture proof to back my suggestion up.
Here is user with no email.
[Finnish translation: Tässä on käyttäjä tunnus ilman sähköpostia]
And here is same user with no email verified and other user with no email verified where bet can use voice channel and direct messages
[Finnish translation: Tässä on kaksi käyttäjä tunnusta vahvistamattomalla sähköpostilla, jotka voi käyttää äänikanavia ja yksityisviestejä]
DISCLAIMER: These picture are used in purpose to back this suggestion proofing that this is possible, any wrong use is you do is not on me its on your responsibility.
HUOMIO: Kaikki nämä kuvat on tarkoitettu todistamaan tätä parannusta varten olemasta olevasta ongelmasta, kaikki väärin käyttlö on omalla vastuullasi ei minun.
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JawsHC yeah that would be the case, but you don´t have access to all servers, and you do sleep at some point. This situation can happen on time you are sleeping when you are not getting disturbed by your emails, the damage is already done.
I´ve literally seen servers you find out that the role everyone had given and administrator rights. Turning your DM settings and server moderation won't fix the problem that user will be joining a targeting other people, on your behalf. The time you change that password damage is already done.
But you are forgetting one thing from your argument, people who don´t use or know what discord is and don´t even know how to use it there are those.
Of course, is clear to you and I that we know these things because we use discord every day, so when someone decided to use nongamer person email, who have no idea what discord is never used or heard gets an email notification from user creating a discord account.
He first thought is that somebody might misspell the email address going to noticing it and change that to right one , but he is not knowing that the person is actually done on purpose.
Think that scenario and ask your self is it okay to someone create an email address which belongs to another person be able to use discord as not verified?
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This happened to me as well. I tried to register using my email and was VERY dismayed to see that someone had already done so and had been banned for bad behavior etc. I never received notice of this account creation probably because the email would have gone to spam. Now I'm stuck with an account that is marked with bad behavior before I even knew it existed OR I have to use a different email address than I use for literally everything else online. It's super crappy that this app allows that to happen, when all that is required is some sort of email verification before you let some rogue mess up a perfectly decent potential user's account before he even knows the damned thing exists. Seriously this is a big avoidable black eye on Discord. ugh.
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The same thing has happened to me. I literally signed up for the first time today and found out some jerk had already used my email address. I found an unread message from over a year ago that asked me (in a language that isn’t mine!) to verify my address - so why the hell did they allow the jerk to go ahead and use the account even though I hadn’t verified?? Bad decision, Discord!
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so what if you dont need an email to use discord
just turn your DM settings up, and dont have your server moderation at literally NOTHING.the second one is an actual problem with discord, but if somebody does use your email, you get a notice, from which you can change the account password and lock them out, so its not an overly big deal.
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Precisely this is the reason why the account should be verified before they should be able to use. That is why I made this suggestion, and it makes me happy to hear that you two have the same experience the same time I am sad that you have been having this experience.
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You're so right. I didn't know this was possible honestly! There's some really mean people out there... I don't understand how people put SO much efforts into destroying others. So sad. I'm sorry this happened to you :(
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