Opting in or out for Group Chats
I agree & disagree with this, I only disagree because one way to get in communication with people who have larger servers is being added in a group chat through a mutual friend, however I can see both sides
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I agree with this, because numerous times a week, (sometimes multiple times a night, over and over) I will be added into a group chat, and they will start calling the group over and over. I leave the group and get added back by someone, and they keep calling. I've even tried blocking all of the members, but somehow it just led to another random group of people I had in my friends list doing the same thing right after. I would like to have something pop up and let me pick whether or not I want to be added into the group, like a friend request notification.
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Yes discord, please do this. I'm trying to leave some of the hundreds of group chats that I have been added into by my friends but after I leave they add me back to annoy me. There needs to be a setting or something like that, that will make it so that you NEED to accept an invite.
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This needs to be a thing.
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I agree, my friend keeps adding randoms to MY group chat THAT I MADE it sucks and even if I block my friend's friends they can still join! this sucks, there needs to be perms like a server.
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I need this.
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Being literally thrown into a group chat without my consent is not cool. Even if someone is my 'friend' it should not give them the purview to literally force me into a group of people against my will.
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I have an obnoxious loser “friend” who did this to use me as his play toy in a group I MADE for myself my boyfriend and him and my other friend so they could become friends, and he used it against me like a toddler to do that. His “boyfriend” kept trying to trigger me while he kept putting me back in
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yeah its annoying when you dont wanna talk to some person and they spam you back
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Totally agree
people invite me into groups chats so much but i dont wanna remove their friend
and i had to repeatedly spam leave
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I keep trying to leave, but they keep adding me back in, but I don't want to unfriend them. Maybe add a thing like "Do you want to be added to this group?" as like a permission thing. ADD THIS. PLEASE. IM TRYING TO DO SCHOOL WORK AND I KEEP GETTING CALLS ON MY PHONE, WHICH I CAN'T TURN OFF EITHER. sorry for caps but this is bloody annoying.
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PLEASE ADD SOMETHING LIKE A SETTING IN PRIVCY AND SAFETY LIKE A SETTING FOR ADDING PEOPLE IN GROUPS. I have SO much work and I keep getting added to random groups I don’t wanna unfriend cause THATS A WASTE OF TIME and a bit rude too. ADD SOMETHING LIKE THIS LIKE “Do you want to be added into this groupchat?” I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 2 WHOLE YEARS
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Please add this option, im sick of being added to random groupchats and i dont want to unfriend those people.
This should have been an option since the beginning... I dont want to leave groups every day.... Just make that option.
And people are asking for this for 2 years........
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This would be noice
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Please add this feature where you can either block being added into group chats and/or the option to decline. There is no reason why this should not be a feature. Everyone should have a right to choose whether they want to be in a group setting or not. I personally suffer from GAD an anxiety disorder and it worsens with being in a social group. I want the ability to decline.
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yo cmon discord it's so annoying
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This was suggested 2 years ago how is this not a thing yet. This can't be hard to put in or make right? Am I crazy that just adding a switch to decide between auto accepting or auto-rejecting group invites wouldn't be complicated to a team that created and keeps a entire social app up and running.
The permissions version is a good suggestion as well. Being able to put people on a group chat invite black list would be great instead of specifically just turning all on or off and that way you can decide who you want to block and make it a mom issue AFTER they get annoying about it without losing contact with them over it1 -
This literally needs to be a thing, they need to add like a thing to prevent people from adding you to groups r something it’s annoying.
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Yes, This would be really nice, as I'm done with a person in that groupchat, and I want to leave, but my Friend keeps adding me back, and I feel like I don't get any privacy or any right to leave, it's like a person's house, you should be able to leave whenever you want, and not forced to get invited back
It's frustrating.
Please make a groupchat invite request possible0 -
Why isn't this a thing yet?
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