Personal Color
I think it would be a great idea to allow users to set a personal color within their user settings. This would be the same way as setting a role color, but would instead set their color in all dms to whatever they pick. This could also carry over to servers with a serverwide option to either use personal colors or not. This allows small servers that do not have a traditional role hierarchy to let the users set their own color, and for big servers to still keep a color coordinated system. In addition, personal colors in a server that uses them could be overwritten by a role that does not use the default color.
I like this a lot but I would think of it as more likely to happen if it were to be suggested as a nitro exclusive feature
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Yeah I could see this being a nice thing to implement. I don't see a lot of role heavy servers using it but I could see it being a big thing in DM's and small non-role filled servers which is still pretty nice.
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Would be a great nitro exclusive
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