Custom bot avatars



  • index.ts
    Just because the bot is in your server doesn’t make it yours. The bot owner should be the only one allowed to change the pfp of their bot that they made (or host). If you make/host a bot, you can change the pfp to whatever you want.
  • Karam

    That's true, but let us say you are having a bot, made by others, which are owned by 2 million other Discordians, then what do you do? They all said that it was a Discord Limitation, and I just call it what it is: bs!

  • DoomSkuller

    Negative, ghost rider. Bots are user accounts like the rest of us, cant change their pfps one place without changing them for everywhere. 

    However, some bots let you download and modify them and with that you can give them their own name and pfp that way, but then the bot is specific to itself and any servers you add it to (i.e. a modified version of Nadeko won't share the same global economy with the original Nadeko)

  • Conner
    already denied before if I'm not wrong
  • Eternita

    yes please, this feature is truly needed.

  • IamGrock

    Actually the mee6 have the new update that name customize that means you can change the avatar and the nickname, but you have to pay the premium. Which is a good solution cause make it free its just dangerous for mee6

  • Jecus

    Is-there a bot that i can use him for Custom commands ,Avatar , name , Status? 

    Except Custom commands bot because he's not enough to change avatar and status

  • Axl


    1. dont use mee6
    2. learn to code
    3. make a bot yourself
    4. done    
  • Nekro


    1. dont use mee6
    2. learn to code
    3. make a bot yourself
    4. done    


    Yes, because that's extremely helpful -_-

  • voidgg_

    Karam you probably aren't a developer. Because you don't know that there's always a scope and limitation.

  • HireAMercenary

    Now that users can have per server avatars, having a feature like this doesn't seem impossible now, it seems like bots should be able to as well, I wonder how long it is until we see some of the bigger bots get a command or the ability to set it up via the bots control panel to set a bots avatar.

  • Sharkcapp

    HireAMercenary I was about to point out the same, its definitely reasonable to have this option now, at least for nitro accounts or premium users of the bot.


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