Not telling users exactly why they are banned/ Banning accounts for wrong think
It has come to my attention that Discord is choosing to ban accounts of individuals and not giving them an adequate reason, but instead just a generic message that they "violated terms of service", and do not provide the offending example as evidence of the ban. This makes it appear to everyone that Discord is now starting the practice of banning accounts for "wrong think" and not something that can be substantiated as being against the platform.
As such, I am discontinuing my support of Discord by canceling my Nitro account, and will remain so until the matter is sufficiently addressed.
If someone is banned, they should be given the exact posts/content/etc that resulted in the ban. This full disclosure will prove that Discord is above the trend of banning individuals from their platform simply to shut down opposition from the main stream media.
Don't turn Discord into an Orwellian distopia.
>If someone is banned, they should be given the exact posts/content/etc that resulted in the ban. I disagree with this: it could lead to the banned user hunting for the person who reported them which is something I wouldn't want as I report every single violation I see. 0 -
I could definitely understand the frustration if you don't have a clear reason as to why you're banned. I really hope this suggestion is looked at and taken in to consideration 3
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