Anti Raid



  • dabaldeagul

    1. See above. Mods wouldn't be able to ban all raiders.
    2. Why do you give permissions to malicious bot?
    3. This would prevent mods/admins to ban more than X members per day. Why do you give perms to people that will raid? If they do raid, take over, remove their role, etc.

  • ! A Twitch_⛧STARLord_YT

    Limiting ban feature is limiting power to ur staff. Rather if the feature was only applicable for BOTS with admin powers, that would make more sense. ... I think. Anyways this idea isnt having too much of a practicality imo.

    Good day haha.

    ~Just a random Starry

  • A Plate of Waffles

    Great, great, great idea imo. There are only two changes I would make:
    1. The ban limit DOES NOT apply to the server owner, which just seems like logic to me.
    2. This specific setting can only be changed by the owner, even if a role is given that has administrator (full perms).
    There is not a single permission that, as far a I know, can stop the owner from doing wtv tf they want to do, so adding this would actually be great. Lets just say, as an example, that you have a server that has raiders from "enemy" servers in your staff. Then the day comes when they try to ban everyone from the server. The owner (when they are first making the server) would have the ban limit already set at, lets just say five, so the bad staff would succeed to ban five people, but would not be able to ban any more. The owner comes back online, and bans the bad staff from the server. The End. Also, I just think that if you are going to add a bot to a server and you have never used it or even heard of it, dont give it perms to ban or kick. Simple as that.
    I hope this will change some people's minds on this idea

  • XiXoUt

    To be able to prevent a raid you could use Vortex Bot using the command >> raidmode on, that what would aria is to mutate all the new users, that is, the eliminated users that enter every 1 second that can prevent the seizure of spam, at the same time that you could use the D-Safe Bot with a .hackban and copy all the id of the deleted users doing a little prevention. This is the basics, but to detect with the D-Safe a raid first like what I said and then what you can do is make a .detect that gives you a list of the raider bots and that would help you ban them.

  • Backup

    You can use a bot called Security, the bot have so many cool features that can limit bans, kicks, creating/deleting channels/roles and much more.

  • prince is cute

    sina stop advertising your bot the person got their server nuked

  • Backup

    @prince is cute, i want to help him, my bot will prevent his server from being nuked

  • FrendlyEnder

    if the bot is kicking all of your member and the bot is raiding your server you have to remove the bot and report it to the discord bot report if the admin or staffs do that you have to ban him (ip ban) and raid his server (hes using staff abuse) but im going to make a anti raid bot: cmd prefix: .a-r

  • FrendlyEnder

    a guy user: wolfy creeper just raid my server and i have to report him

  • Commander786

    XiXoUt Vortex bot can prevent more people from joining which will only stop a join/leave raid but he is talking about getting raided by a bot that is already in and also not every mod would be online anytime to kick the bot. Also applies to Backup. One of the servers that I was in was raided by a bot and it was so quick at it nuked and pinged 3k times in just about 5 minutes and one of my other friend's server got nuked while he was sleeping and it was nuked by his own mods and admins even though they were loyal for like many months but they suddenly did that.
    I also have a good anti-raid bot module idea that prevents all of these things like nuking, banning, kicking, spamming, webhook spamming, and some other stuff in just one module but it is very long as it includes a lot of things so I cannot include in here. I also gave it to one of my friend who is probably gonna add it in his bot because I cannot add it in my bot right now as I am new to database stuff which that module requires to make it user-friendly.

  • Yusei

    yo recomendaria que hicieran un sistema antiraid en discord asi ningun bot de raideo podria pasar a un server y eliminar todo el contenido del mismo ademas de que deberian hacer bots especializados en combatir los bots de raideo


  • Namel

    It is in case of a raid by admins or mods. People can be unsuspecting, just like the bot that was in my server for 5 months and did no harm. Randomly out of nowhere the owner of the bot just decided to raid all the servers that the bot was in. Some things can happen out of nowhere and the owner couldn’t notice a thing. Some people may not look malicious but they are. We are specifically talking about admin raids where they attempt to ban all members in the server. Mass chatting raids can easily be stopped by dyno or mee6 but if they get bypassed moderators have the mute command.

  • Namel

    And I used 15 as an example, you would be able to set it to any number you like.


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