Invisible join in on voice channels
When your in a server and there is a conglict say someone is threatening another but you join the voice channel and then you don't know who to believe and you don't know is telling the truth because they are going to say the other is lying. I think the owner and administration should be able to listen in on the voice channel without it showing he is in there or indicating that someone joins
I think this would be a great idea, especially for server moderators. In the discord servers I'm in, often someone swears, harasses, or threatens another in a voice channel. Then when a moderator enters the chat, they stop because they hear the sound of someone joining and sees the tag. A silent/invisible join/presence in a channel would be great for moderators who need to catch someone. The option could easily be enabled rightclicking the voice channel and clicking "silent join".
Techno27 -
Have an upvote from me. I liked this suggestion, and want to see it on Discord. 20 -
DM is where private conversation should take place, other then a locked channel VC is public
17 -
I find the idea that the moderator can sometimes listen without being seen excellent.
There is far too much abuse from so many people and this will allow the moderator to banish someone with bad behavior without blaming others who have nothing to do with it.
For private conversation, it's symple, don't come in group lounge lol :)15 -
moderators admins or server owners need this ability, far too often so people change their behavior to cloak their intent. as was previously stated, have private conversations in private not in public if that's an issue for you.
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@Droid underaged users are not allowed in discord, therefore you shouldn't use that as an example in the first place.
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That would be an awesome feature
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I agree on this one. As a long-time server owner I find it very difficult to prove someone guilty of harassment if said harassment is being done through VCs. And if you're going to have a private conversation, move it to DMs, where private conversations are supposed to go.
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In response to the people who feel it is wrong, creepy, or even the guy that says it is unlawful:
People are in a PUBLIC AREA, not a private room. The server admins have the RIGHT to barge in. If you are having a private conversation in a public area, your privacy cannot be guaranteed nor expected. This would be no different than having a chat at your local pub with a person in the corner by the music box and the bartender walks over. If your conversation is that sensitive, take it to a DM, that has been a feature for a long time.
As for creepy, that assertion depends on the conversation you are having. If you are talking about cars and innocuous stuff, suddenly realizing there is someone eavsedropping on your conversation won't feel very wierd, but it would feel creepy if you were talking about topics of a more intimate nature. The real question is, if it could feel creepy to be eavesdropped, you need to re-evaluate the subject matter you are freely discussing in a public scene.
Large public servers employ staff members to moderate channels, and often there are real creeps that go undetected or unproven of their offensive nature simply because a mod can't reliably witness the behavior when it happens. Just like the admin privilege, a new privilege that must be granted by the server owner (or admin perm-granted role) could limit who can silent-join a chat room where they can only watch/listen.
Right now, the only method to incognito-join a room to catch someone is to temp-join the server with another account on another connection and fully join the room. This can work in some cases, but in many it won't have an effective use if the offender won't engage with someone that sounds an awful lot like a moderator they know about, worse is if the behavior is cam-related and only occurs if "everyone turns cam on", and the tactic of joining as another "person" cannot work if the room is full.
Silent Join (permission required like the admin perm or manage perms are) is a great feature we could use and it cannot be accomplished with a bot in any way. If people really feel this feature is not appropriate for small servers or private servers, then I say make it a Level 1-3 Nitro Boost requirement (like the bigger stream capabiltiies are) and/or require public server status and/or minimum number of members a requirement.
However it is done, this is a big must have for large public servers that are struggling to moderate the real creeps and boneheads.
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I believe that there are significant benefits to this addition. I believe it is more important to be able to properly monitor your voice chat for aggressive violations than to worry about general creepiness. If you want to have a private chat with someone, move off the server for that conversation.
Possible suggestions would be to create this as an opt-in feature for a server/channel and any server/channel that has this feature enabled has a warning in one of the corners that this call may not be private. You can also set it up so that other administrators and moderators are made aware when someone has entered a voice channel as invisible. This would force admin/mod teams to self-moderate.
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Ya, I agree they should do this and for people that want a private chat, they should just go in DM's. I also think that if this happens the mods and admin should be able to see each other even if they are invisible (Maybe a mini emoji to show that they are invisible) so you know that they are already doing the job.
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forgot to add a caveat to such a feature:
if the ability to silent join is made, it needs to be a permission under Administrator (people with admin have all perms and bypass) that can only be granted if you have admin (owner is always admin by default and cannot be revoked unless owner is transferred).
Also, users that can silent-join can see other users that are silent-joined in a VC room. This will eliminate accidental overlap of moderators/admins when watching different channels, and acts as a "check" against lower-level mods that were watching/listening but claim they weren't.
I highly support the idea of locking this feature to Boosted servers, public servers, and/or servers that have a minimum number of users (the real use-case for such a feature anyway)
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If you have ever moderated a public or large community server (or seen it happen when a moderator joins VC), bad actors will move out of VC the moment a mod joins in (guilty conscience and running away). I see it happen regularly. I have a short list of usernames that conveniently leave the chat I join every time. These people are known trouble makers, but if and until I can catch them doing what only a couple people have accused them of, my hands are tied and they are free to continue their crap.
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@ryu this wouldnt be an option for any user would be for moderators of servers to make sure rules are being followed in the server, rules you as a user agreed to by accessing their server, so how would that be abusing it?
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Here's our use case in support of this type of feature.
We run a gaming server. We keep it clean and the server follows many of Discords policies of acceptable use. Unfortunately gamers can and will be toxic. Some gamers were upset and went off on other gamers spouting hate speech and other things. The members that were on the receiving end did not know how to record. Having a visible recording in the voice channel would also have stopped the conversation.
The ability to record voice and/or listen in on conversations "invisible" would have solved this. It would also allow for a log to be sent to discord to ban/remove them from the platform as it violates their TOS.
To the skeptics about this being unlawful or abused... Go have a private conversation, go have a 1 on 1 or make your own discord server. The purpose of our server is a public forum for a gaming community. (or whatever community you are part of)
If privacy is a concern but a giant banner or message go to new members (this server has enabled voice recording/logging - your voice conversations may be logged and/or recorded).4 -
As a Moderator of a very large Adult Server (, I am in the same boat as Top-J when it comes to catching bad apples. Often in the massive nights online (especially on weekends), we have upwards to 100+ members online at the same time throughout our many VC channels. Our biggest issue is that we get reports or mentions to our staff about some people doing things that are against our rules (most of our rules generally cover ToS/Community-Guidelines violations as it is), but it's just one or two people that had the presence of mind to contact us about it while its happening, but often times its more than one bad apple doing it and they band together to hide the truth. We try to watch these bad Apples, but they tend to hide away when we join in.
We get DMs from our tippers that the moment a staff member enters, the bad-actors suddenly act appropriate and follow rules. Silent joining would allow us to catch these people doing these things. I'm talking about people that are doing hard drugs on camera, showing genitals, pointing guns at cam/self, being bluntly racist, threatening people, doxxing, etc.. Our staff policy is akin to most other large organizations: If it's just your words, it would be unfair to sanction or ban someone without any real proof.
Again, if Silent/invisible Join were only possible under an Admin-like privilege as opposed to being freely possible for anyone and everyone, there would be a near-zero possibility of abuse as only server staff could do it (the very people that such a feature would be properly desired by). In this day and age, too many people can just skate by the rules because there is no way to ensure a server of 2000+ people is monitored 24/7/365, especially when the staff is not being paid to do their job (we are purely doing this job of our own free will without compensation).
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As a server owner i think this would be a great tool to have that way you can make sure everyone is following the rules and no ome is harrassing people. But i can also see how you would think this could be abused which is y i think only the server owner and moderators should have this option.
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This is not how it works in corporate slack accounts. There are access logs, but NOT AT ALL visible to anyone who is being "examined." The level that accessed it and any higher levels have access to those records, anyone underneath or equal position to them is unable to see the logs.
Secondly, if you are the owner of the channel and people know this ability exists, it would likely deter people from starting things in the first place, and if they agreed to join the channel, they agreed to the possibility of silent monitoring by moderators/owners. And of course this can be abused, much like it is in the corporate world(managers listen to side conversations of employees if they happen to leave their headset on, for example, its happened to me.)
Third, it would be a moderation tool, and the servers that have it enabled would have a separate "server features" page, where things like this are all compiled, so anyone in the server can see if this option(or others like it in the future) are enabled.
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I love this idea. If you don't want people to hear your conversations then maybe don't have them in a 'public' discord channel.
Private calls exist if you want to do that kind of thing. It's like people who post their dirty laundry all over their 'public' facebook wall then complain that people can read and respond to it.
Then again, maybe have a community where you don't have members that require supervision like they're 2 year olds and are decent human beings to begin with.
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As staff, we can already jump into any chat and everyone knows it... why should it matter if a member has no way to know a staff member is secretly listening/watching what is going on in a VC they are moderating? If you have a "club" where people can congregate and chat/interact in person, and there are a few staff members that check on everyone from time to time and respond to cries for help, even in other "rooms", does it matter that a security staff member has the ability to listen/watch a security camera feed everywhere? At least on Discord, ALL staff members can see which staff members are silently listening/watching and where, which allows staff to help audit other staff. How is this "creepy" or "abusive"?
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Nice idea! I suggest it should only be for Community Servers or Partner / Verified Servers. There should be a permission like „Invisible Join“ or „Silent Join“
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discordbast nobody has a right or freedom to conceal their actions or conversations within the confines of another person's server, especially when those acts are against the rules and endanger the server and its rule-abiding membership. It is not invasive, as the area is already considered public. As for "us" dying "over and over throughout history for basic freedoms", you clearly have never served nor signed your life away, otherwise you would understand that this has nothing to do with rights and freedoms; If it's my server, and I make the rules, and I am expected to properly investigate and report people doing things against my rules (or against Discord ToS or the Law), then you bet your ass I will monitor my VCs in any way I're in my house, expect to be caught if you're doing shady shit in my house.
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I do think that this can be a good feature for the admins and moderators of a server. However, it of course will be abused by some or most users.
On the good side, it can make admins and moderators in the server check if there are any issues and such. This can help these admins and moderators give out more services and such to make sure that they kick or ban people who are disobeying their server rules or more.
However, this can make things that are private, not private at all. Well to some of them. And I also do think that through this feature, not many people will be able to tell if there are people in the call or not, which makes them hesitate to say something.2 -
I think The idea is a good one. For the reasons of enforcing a rule. It can't be abuse either. If some people wanna have a private conversation there is dm's for that. Not public vc's
2 -
I think this is a great idea
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Yea this would be super helpful coming from a guy running a 20k+ player server. Right now I'm forced to log into an Alt Account to do this, and anyone who has at least 2 braincells can go "Oh, that might be a mod, better not be a douche now!", That or when you get a report the guy might now be on good behavior to thwart this. It's not really effective to ensure a quality experience for everyone in my server.
Being able to let my trusted mods have access to this tool allows you to stealthily monitor people you get reports on to ensure your discords rules are being followed in voice chat. If you join a voice channel on a public discord, it should be perfectly fine for one of the moderators to pop in and make sure you're following the rules. If you don't like that idea, stick to DM voice calls or private Discords that aren't subjected to my rules.
Can it be abused as mentioned in some posts above? Yes. But so can bans, roles, and anything else an Admin/Mod has access to. It's up to leadership to ensure that doesn't happen.
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As a server owner and moderator in several channels, no this is an abhorrent idea that would be easily abused.
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Dude all you people that are saying this is wrong in an invasion of privacy... Talking about having private conversations.... You do realize that you could just call each other directly through DMs or even make a group chat we're talking about a server here there's no reason to have private conversations that are suddenly stopped when somebody joins if you wanted the conversations to be private you can message them directly it's utterly ridiculous, server VCS are not made to be private unless you made the channel private. We're talking about a way to solve a problem here, the fact that people are hurt and verbally abused and then the abuser says the abused are lying and there's never any proof. Half of me gets the feeling that half of these people saying this is wrong and an invasion of privacy are the same ones doing the abusing but who knows.
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Someone commented then deleted in reply to me, but i would like to respond anyway they said
"I want people to join my server in my absence and be comfortable they are not being stalked or spied upon by a creep.
I want 2 girls to join a room without a secret man lurking in the shadows listening to their conversation.
The personalities that ask for this kind of crap are the kind of people that become big government politicians. A pathological need to control others that stems from their own fear of life and insecurities."
Well as i pointed out there are such things as PRIVATE calls. If 2 girls wanted to talk in secret without some "guy" lurking on them they could do so via dm. If they wanted to add people they could do so in a gc. Server VCs are meant to be public for anyone to join. And the issue starts when a girl comes to me, the owner, says shes being harrased, i belive her confront the guy he says "shes lying prove it" ofc i can kick him but what if she is lying. There's no way to know. We as are MODERATERS its our job to police these things. Idk how to better explain that.1 -
I think my comment got removed sorry. I should be offended, but I've possibly already become too jaded about free speech in tech for that.
I sympathize with the scenario you describe. I'd edited my previous comment to say I would support the feature provided that it could be toggled on/off and that it was fully transparent with a warning: "WARNING: this channel may be being monitored by unknown persons, do not divulge private or sensitive information"
Then people can make a choice about what kind of server (or world) they want to live in.
I think my post was deleted because I mocked people who support censorship and control. I don't regret that because a) it's just humor and b) rule fatigue and big censorship / regulation is a big factor in the mental wellbeing and happiness of a large minority of the population and it should always be open for discussion.
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