Voice Channel Notifications
You could set notifications for when someone joins a voice channel. (I wouldn't recommend having notifications for a specific person cause that could be taken advantage of and seems pretty creepy ingeneral. I guess someone could just set notifications for all voice channels but on the plus side it would be annoying since it'd be for anyone joining)
If someone joins a voice channel but they're invisible, it won't set off a notification. I don't know about someone going online while already in a voice channel though.
You should be able to go into your user settings and select who can get notifications that you're in a voice channel. You could do the same but in server settings. Say in your server with friends you'd want people to get a notification but not in a public server.
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So if you’re invisible, and you join a voice channel, the other people in there won’t notice right?
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I would also like this feature
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My team use discord voice channel for meeting and I wish I could have option to get notified when the room for meeting has any person join into it (expectably team manager who will start meeting) and so people in the team will able to join easily it when the time for meeting arrived. As of now we need to call for each member directly when there is a meeting
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