"Edit Message" quick access gesture
Gesture could be sliding left-right / zooming in on / double tapping the message to be edited
Maybe to overcome the confusion it could be toggled off by default? 1 -
This would definitely be a feature I want to see in the future since it's much easier that tap holding. 1 -
Mobile needs this. I fat finger too much.
1 -
yaya, being a optional function is better
but i would like it0 -
It would be really nice to have something like, that, i hope this gets added 0 -
This would definitely free up the up-arrow button for a different use, and reduce the likelihood of accidentally editing a message you didn't want to. 0 -
Mobile needs this. I fat finger too much.
0 -
while I like the idea I feel like that’s going to be way to easy to accidentally tap to many or few times 0 -
Yeah but if Discord add it they will keep the choice to users 0 -
i agree on this one !!
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