Ban restrictions on servers to avoid mass bans.
A while ago, more than 800 people were banned on my server, can some restrictions be put into place to stop that from happening? such as a moderator not being able to ban more than 100 people in a day, I would like to set it to a certain amount so if a moderator decides to kill the server like last time that it will stop them once they reach their limit of how many users they can ban in a day, I would also like bans to show up in the general chat and the reasons.
Totally agree. There should be a daily ban limit, for literally anyone in the server, even for server owners.
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But then what if there is a huge automated account raid, and you have to ban them but you cant, because of the limit?
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if the ban is shown like the join message and can be put into any channel then it would be helpful, instead of having to notice the audit log
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