Timezone Clock Suggestion
Idea: An optional feature where people can set their timezone. Optional, so if someone isn't comfortable with people knowing their timezone it's NBD. Then, if you click on someone's name to see their little mini-profile, you can see their timezone AND what time it is for them right now. Genius. Would solve so many awkward scenarios I've had where you have no idea whether someone's offline because they're busy or they're distracted or they're asleep so you have no idea whether you should re-ping or just wait a few hours to see if they wake up.
Also, they should add the time in the chat when chatting with one person; like you see their live time next to their name at the top bar, that way it's always visible.
If she/he is in the same time zone it can display it with time or maybe by saying, "User shares same time zone with you."
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Bump. I need this like, right now
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It would be nice if it showed to the right of each user in the chat so that you can always know what time it is for them, makes it much easier to be considerate.
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This would be super helpful!
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Bumping this because I feel this is an important feature when staying in contact with people around the world. Region indicators on names or profiles would also be a nice option.
Edit: I have no idea why this is in the overlay subforum. I found it when doing a keyword search for 'timezone'
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I made some examples about timezone in profile :3
here my post: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360041871612/comments/3600142035740 -
Bump. We can place our timezones in bio now, but it's still a troublesome dumb math conversion away from users understanding what our real time is. Having our real time visible in profile, hovering our profile AND hovering the hour our messages displays are a necesity.
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