People need to be able to use alternate clients



  • Caleb
    Yep. I want a nice, native macOS and iOS app that doesn't have the store or Nitro bloat. Just me, text and voice chat, my servers channels, members, and maybe a few other things.
  • cactus.skeptic

    Second to what Caleb said. Screw Electron. I want native apps that have been built from the ground up with full adherence to Apple, Microsoft, and Google's design guidelines and APIs.


  • codic

    Exactly. I'd really like a nice, native Linux client written in GTK or Qt without the overhead of Electron. It would eliminate the need for things like BetterDiscord

  • DrFrankenstein90

    This would really be useful. While the official client works decently, it also uses up 400 MB of memory while sitting idle, versus (currently-unsupported) alternatives that only use 33 MB in some cases.

    With every developer and their neighbour going toward Electron and Web-based UIs these days (there are several such apps running on my machine right now, taking up about half my memory for no good reason), I think there's a market for lightweight clients and alternate user experiences, especially for those who want to run the app in parallel with their games without taking away precious memory and CPU time from the game.

  • codic

    Discord is meant for gaming, yeah. It should be light, so that it dosen't steal RAM

  • Dhalucario

    Honestly, calling Discord performant while it's using electron is a joke.

  • VividValkyrie

    Electron is a complete and utter joke. While a couple of third party discord clients do exist out there I'm terrified to use them because my account might get disabled (and in fact it actually DID once).


    Discord runs like total molasses even on my high end gaming PC with nothing else running and the devs refuse to even take notice of the fact that it's a bloated ugly mess.

    They need to either fix it or let us use alternatives to their crappy first party client

  • codic


    > Electron is a complete and utter joke. While a couple of third party discord clients do exist out there I'm terrified to use them because my account might get disabled (and in fact it actually DID once).


    I actually think that electron itself is perfectly fine. It's discord's code that's a joke.


    > Discord runs like total molasses even on my high end gaming PC with nothing else running and the devs refuse to even take notice of the fact that it's a bloated ugly mess.


    Super strange, works decent for me on linux

  • VividValkyrie



    Funny that you mention linux performance because you're actually kinda right. On Linux and from what I've used Mac OS, Discord actually runs mostly fine. However on Windows it runs like a dogs breakfast and I seriously have no idea why that's the case. It's ridiculous.

    As for Electron, it really depends. For some programs Electron is fine but I really don't think it should be used for a desktop client for chat software. Although it does in the end come down to discord's code being flat out terrible

  • Dhalucario

    @EZ2ACTux @Codic I have to kind of disagree. I am running Fedora 31 and Discord keeps crashing for me. The speed is just as good as on windows but at some point it just memory leaks itself to death.

  • Idontcare1232113

    I second this. I'd like to make my own client but not violate the TOS.

  • 1AndOnlyPika

    Would be cool to do that, Discord rn does use a lot of ram, its like having two chrome instances open, oh wait Discord is chromium based, and on windows it just has so many tasks open hogging up resources

  • ikey.2

    Would be amazing. It is also asking Discord devs to be competent and stop relying on other peoples work... Not something they'll ever do.

  • Syai?

    hey discord dev. you use electron only to make your work easier on multi platform right ? i know you have too much people that work on gui. at least please allow third program client. you can ask them to give the source to you or closed api. but please your electron program have too much problem on computer that only pass with tiny margin to minimum requirement. it have a big disaster

  • stereolame

    I wholeheartedly agree with this but I get the feeling that they're never going to respond to this or do anything about it.  Way too many apps that I use regularly are based on Electron and I hate it.  I'm sorry but a music player (spotify), a chat client (discord, slack, Teams, Messenger), or a text editor (atom, VSCode) should not need 500MB each of memory.  Electron is garbage.

  • alx

    Yes, I completely agree that we should be able to use 3rd party clients. I also agree that discord runs well on linux as discord launches in a couple seconds on arch linux with i3 window manager. But on windows, discord takes forever to open. Discord should improve their client and also allow 3rd party clients

  • PaulBags

    The windows client is an <expletives> nightmare. And web is no solution. Anything would be better at this point.

  • System0x20

    We should start a petition to change this.

    Discord, please for the love of god

    Stop using Electron OR Specify a protocol that we can implement and make our own client OR stop banning people.

    My fully featured Java IDE, Eclipse, uses less ram while doing s*** than Discord's windows client idling. It's absolutely ridiculous. Note that Java SWT apps are not completely native imagine discord app using idk like mfc or qt or whatever

  • arydev

    yes is a good idea but i dont think discord will do that because it is proprietary


  • JDJG

    discord uses chromium as it's base for the windows version and most PC versions , chrome itself in order not to crash it is better heavy maybe discord should try to make more of their own app rather than rely on chrome. but still give details that chrome gives.

  • Discord c'est pas ouf en vrai

    Welcome to the big techs' web! Where have to use a 500 MB bloated application if you want to keep contact with people. I actually got an older account deleted, quite possibly because of me using a custom client.

    For the techies : What's the point of Electron? GTK for example allows making cross-platform apps, with litterally JavaScript and CSS.

  • NikolaPi

    As far as I can tell the reason that electron is used here is that it:

    • Allows re-use of much of the same code powering the website.
    • Allows cross-platform use more easily
    • Is generally easier, faster, and consequently cheaper to developer with than native toolkits such as GTK or Qt
    • Can be more secure in some situations (Can't create buffer overflow or other memory vulnerabilities that you might accidentally create with a native application)
  • funny girl

    >Allows re-use of much of the same code powering the website.
    So being lazy and having bad coding practices
    > Allows cross-platform use more easily
    I don't know if you know this but discord is not a AAA game there is not direct X12 nonsense and your still working on the same architectures(except for apple's arm biased platform) and linux is not rocket science
    >is generally easier, faster, and consequently cheaper to developer with than native toolkits such as GTK or Qt
    this is not the point people are making you can use a different toolkit but chrome is somehow more bloated than window's ram usage and that in it of itself is an achievement and there are plenty of other ways to go about this without a tool kit, heck i would not be surprised if a client written in python preformed better

    >    Can be more secure in some situations (Can't create buffer overflow or other memory vulnerabilities that you might accidentally create with a native application)
    so "oh no i need training wheels because my code is to horrendous for it to compile"

    so your argument is 
    bad coding abilities
    bad coding abilities
    and bad coding abilities

    welp time to find a new platform with people who know what they are doing

  • Snowsune

    Id really like to be able to use third party discord clients, especially for computers that have no or limited graphics. Being banned for using a third party client just seems so silly.

  • PillburyDohBoy2

    Discord, where is your answer?

    I would love to be able to design my own client... But I also want to keep my account. So please.

  • PillburyDohBoy2

    I'd pay for nitro if I got access to a better API even.

  • Erkin Alp

    I'd pay for nitro if I got access to a better API even.

    You mean, a better API that does not exist in the first place. Because bots and human users mostly use the same API (there are a few differences, yet still).

  • ElizabethCray

    Ideally this is how Discord should handle it:
    If you pay for Nitro: you're account is whitelisted for API access, just like a bot.
    Some things though: make that Token access rate-limited as well as maybe even not allowing it to make guild changes.

  • Erkin Alp

    If you pay for Nitro: you're account is whitelisted for API access, just like a bot.

    The problem with that is then you would have to have a more accurate antispam (third party clients are currently forbidden (or rather, unsupported) due to high false positives in the antispam mechanism). If you already have a mechanism to reliably tell third party clients and spam bots apart, then it would make no sense to use a more inferior antispam for those who do not pay. Everyone benefits from a more accurate antispam.

  • Tim Torte

    Erkin Alp

    "(third party clients are currently forbidden (or rather, unsupported)"

    I'm pretty sure Discord is actively suspending accounts that are using the API for third party solutions.

    This is what they had to say on Twitter:

    "All 3rd party apps or client modifiers are against our ToS, and the use of them can result in your account >being disabled. I don't recommend using them."


    cordless, a popular cli Discord  client seized development due to raising reports of suspended accounts.

    This in my opinion is inexcusable. Not endorsing third party clients is one one thing but actively suspending accounts using those clients is on a whole another level of corporate evil. No were on their site they mention that the use of third party clients can get you banned.









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