<Collapse member lists inside the main list>
Especially on large servers it takes forever to scroll down, so it would be cool if we could collapse each section by it's own. Best case would be a option if we want to sync it across devices and a way to have them collapsed per default.
would be nice to have this
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It would be great on mobile too!
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Is this a duplicate of https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360037320792-Member-List-minimization
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Yes please. This is good UX. Please please please add this.
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This would be a great help to moderators ... The server I moderate in has a group that needs to be scrolled to every time you change channels if you are watching for potential trouble.
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Additionally, it would be great if large user lists (200+ members) collapsed by starting letter, like the Windows 10 Start menu.
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