Ability to add username/tag to merch
I’m not sure how the production process of Discord merch is set up, but if it’s in a way that could easily implement the option of having your name printed on items for a slight up-charge I think people would really love that. Not sure how feasible it is, but being able to represent yourself (and tell whose bag is whose) would be pretty cool
This would be cool, but I see a slight problem with it. You are able to change your name which would make the text on the merch useless. Even if you change your name back, there's a chance your discriminator (4 digit number) could change. Cool idea though! 3 -
That is true, but I guess the idea is that if you're going to get merch with your name on it, it's probably because that's the name you go by most and don't plan to change it
3 -
This is a really neat idea, but I see possible problems... for example, setting it up such that customising it to have tags, etc would take longer for the final product to be delivered as it obviously takes much more time to pay attention to the smallest detail. Still though, this concept is pretty awesome; hopefully Discord does something like this one day. 2 -
good idea 0 -
this is basically the best merch idea ive ever seen +1 1 -
Even though I don't plan on buying merch, this is a very very nice idea. 0 -
nice 0
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