Some way to buy Nitro using other currencies
It would be very good for many users and even Discord to be able to pay for Nitro using other currencies (eg BRL), since not everyone who wants and is willing to pay for the service has an international credit card to make the purchase. Several companies like Steam have this possibility, it would be really cool if it came to Discord.
Paying with crypto currencies would also be nice to have. (Bitcoin,bitcoincash,litecoin,ethereum,monero,etc)
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They should just add PayPal credit (PayPal without a linked debit / credit card)
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That would be great if they do something like Steam, they could reduce the price of the Nitro. In Turkey, 1 year Nitro is 577~ TRY (100 USD) and this is really huge amount of money. In Steam, 1 USD=2.1 TRY that's constant price. It would be amazing if they set 1 USD to 3.5 or 4 TRY.
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