Option to Disable the "User is Typing" Indicator



  • Draconicrose

    Agreed. This should be standard for any messaging platform, especially from a privacy standpoint.

  • Zhu

    What's even worse? The fact that the mobile app FORCES the cursor to appear in the send message box as though one were getting ready to type. Is this a troll by Discord? How is invisibility even a thing with this glaring omission in functionality?

    Y'all need to step it up and take this seriously. I love you guys - you're one of my all-time favorite dev teams, but this one has needed prioritizing FOR YEARS NOW.

    Enough. I can get LOUD if y'all game. ;)

    With Respect...

  • colormiconfused

    ^^^ no but actually for the mobile app - it stresses me out when a friend is messaging me and I knoww to them it looks like I am typing when really I am just waiting for them to respond. At the VERY LEAST change it to a click on the text box for mobile

  • Inky

    Seems like a straightforward bug - it's meant to indicate when somebody is typing, not just reading the channel, that's what it does in the desktop version, but here it's not doing that.  I hope you get it fixed.

  • Zofia

    (sorry for short message above, but I think everything has been said, just wanted to show my support)

  • onepeace

    Yes please

  • Zofia


  • dej

    Surely this is a no brainer from a programming perspective! What's the hold up?


  • Firestar464

    Yeah, it's a trick to get you to stay longer on your app so that they can further engage you. Engagement is the tech company's business. If you don't pay for the "product," you ARE the product.

  • Zhu

    So, I suppose in all fairness an update is in order. As of this posting, the mobile app no longer places a flashing cursor in the message box upon initial loading of the app. However, it still does after one has made their first post, regardless of which channel/server you move to.

    What I haven't tested yet is whether that automatically triggers the "<so-n-so> is typing..." alert; nor have I tested the desktop app recently. Seeing recent posts in this thread makes me think, nope.

    I'm unable to test this for myself without some hassle atm. Anyone else seeing any progress?

  • Gnabergasher

    Even better when they raid 100k+ person servers with offensive names using unicode chars like kill ******.

    Good old Discord makes sure it's a pain in the ass to get rid of racist 12 year old terrorists in training.

  • jasonyak

    adding a vote for this too! added a comment to the other thread about this also, hope this can happen, it's literally the only thing about Discord we'd like to see changed, everything else is great - awesome work team!

  • JAC

    Yes please. It would be nice to have the option to Disable the "User is Typing" Indicator.  Definitely placing my vote for this.  When will this be implemented?  I hope very soon.

  • entropy


  • bighugemister

    I use WebCord, it's a client for Discord, and it allows you to disable /typing APIs, apart from lots of other privacy stuff built in.


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